Ethnoarchaeology是一种研究技术,涉及使用来自生活文化的信息 – 以民族学,民族志,民族史和实验考古学的形式 – 来理解在考古遗址中发现的模式。民族考古学家获取有关任何社会正在进行的活动的证据,并利用这些研究从现代行为中抽取类比来解释和更好地理解考古遗址中的模式。考古学家苏珊肯特将民族考古学的目的定义为“用民族志数据制定和测试考古学导向的和/或衍生的方法,假设,模型和理论”。但是考古学家路易斯·宾福德最清楚地写道:民族考古学是一种“罗塞塔石头:将考古遗址上发现的静态物质转化为一群人的生机勃勃的生活方式。”民族考古学通常使用参与观察的文化人类学方法进行,但它也在民族历史和民族志报告以及口述历史中找到行为数据。基本要求是利用任何形式的强有力证据来描述文物及其与活动中人们的互动。民族考古学数据可以在已出版或未出版的书面记录(档案,实地记录等)中找到;照片;口述历史;公共或私人收藏的文物;当然,还有为了生活社会而考虑用于考古目的的观察。考古学家Patty Jo Watson认为,民族考古学也应该包括实验考古学。在实验考古学中,考古学家创造了要观察的情况而不是将其带到他或她发现的地方:观察仍然是在生活环境中的考古相关变量。民族考古学的可能性带来了大量关于我们可以对考古记录中所表现的行为所说的内容的想法:以及关于考古学家能够识别所有或甚至任何社会行为的现实的相应地震。古代文化。民族学告诉我们,这些行为无可否认地反映在物质文化中(我用这种方式制作了这种锅,因为我母亲就是这样做的;我走了五十英里去买这种植物,因为那是我们一直走的地方)。令人着迷的是,如果我们的技术允许我们捕获它,那么潜在的现实可能只能从花粉和陶器中识别出来,而我们仔细的解释恰恰适合这种情况。


Ethnoarchaeology is a research technique that involves the use of information from life cultures – in the form of ethnology, ethnography, national history and experimental archaeology – to understand patterns found in archaeological sites. Ethnic archaeologists obtain evidence of ongoing activities in any society and use these studies to extract analogies from modern behaviors to explain and better understand patterns in archaeological sites. Archaeologist Susan Kent defined the purpose of ethnic archaeology as “the development and testing of archaeologically-oriented and/or derived methods, assumptions, models and theories using ethnographic data.” But the archaeologist Luis Bingford wrote most clearly: Ethnic archaeology is a kind of “Rosetta Stone: a living way of transforming the static material found on archaeological sites into a group of people.” Ethnic Archaeology It is usually done using cultural anthropological methods of participation in observation, but it also finds behavioral data in national history and ethnographic reports as well as oral history. The basic requirement is to use any form of strong evidence to describe artifacts and their interaction with people at the event. Ethnic archaeological data can be found in published or unpublished written records (archives, field records, etc.); photographs; oral history; cultural relics in public or private collections; and, of course, for archaeological purposes for the sake of living society Observed. Archaeologist Patty Jo Watson believes that ethnic archaeology should also include experimental archaeology. In experimental archaeology, archaeologists create situations to observe rather than bring them to where he or she discovers: observations are still archaeologically related variables in the living environment. The possibility of ethnic archaeology has brought a wealth of thoughts about what we can say about the behaviors expressed in archaeological records: and the corresponding earthquakes in which archaeologists can identify all or even any social behavior. Ancient culture. Ethnology tells us that these acts are undeniably reflected in the material culture (I made this pot in this way, because my mother did it; I went fifty miles to buy this plant, because that It is the place we have been walking). What’s fascinating is that if our technology allows us to capture it, then the underlying reality may only be identified from pollen and pottery, and our careful explanation is just right for this situation.


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