“Hood疾病”,特别是当与被犯罪现场水龙头阻挡的木板式建筑物的视觉图形相结合时,本质上是扁平化并以简单的方式表现 – 人们的各种各样的经历成为令人不安的,种族编码的标志。它表明那些生活在“引擎盖”中的人甚至比那些没有“患病”的人要差得多。它当然不表明可以解决或解决这个问题。相反,它表明它是可以避免的东西,它存在的邻域也是如此。这是最阴险的色盲种族主义。实际上,没有“兜帽疾病”这样的事情,但许多内城儿童正在遭受生活在一个不符合他们或社区基本生活需要的社会的后果。这个地方不是问题。生活在那里的人没有问题。一个社会组织起来,以种族和阶级为基础,获得资源和权利的不平等是一个问题.Manseau博士观察到,“认真改善健康和心理健康的社会直接接受了这一挑战经过证实和证明成功。美国是否重视其最脆弱的公民,足以做出类似的努力还有待观察。


“Hood disease”, especially when combined with the visual pattern of a wooden building blocked by a crime scene faucet, is essentially flat and simple to express – people’s various experiences become disturbing , ethnic coded logo. It shows that those who live in the “hood” are even worse than those who are not “ill.” It certainly does not indicate that it can solve or solve this problem. Instead, it shows that it is something that can be avoided, as is the neighborhood in which it exists. This is the most insidious color blind racism. In fact, there is no such thing as a “hood disease”, but many inner city children are suffering the consequences of living in a society that does not meet the basic needs of them or the community. This place is not a problem. There is no problem for people living there. A society organized to obtain inequalities in resources and rights based on race and class is a problem. Dr. Manseau observed that “a society that seriously improves health and mental health directly accepted this challenge and proved and proved successful. It is still to be seen whether it is enough to focus on its most vulnerable citizens.


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