社会决定因素是健康差异的主要驱动因素,世界卫生组织将其定义为“健康差异,这不仅是不必要和可以避免的,而且还被视为不公平和不公正。”此外,种族,民族,社会经济和医疗保健方面的地理差异是导致许多疾病(包括心血管疾病,糖尿病和哮喘)健康状况不佳的原因。在精神和物质使用障碍方面,流行率的差异在很多条件下持续存在,获得护理,护理质量和疾病总体负担的差异也是如此。 Shim博士及其同事在这个问题上提出了一个社会学视角,他补充说:“重要的是要注意心理健康的社会决定因素是由全世界和美国的金钱,权力和资源分配所决定的”简而言之,权力和特权的等级制造了健康的等级。创伤后应激障碍是内城青年的公共卫生危机。近几十年来,医学研究人员和公共卫生官员一直关注生活在种族隔离,经济上枯竭的内城社区的心理影响。纽约大学医学中心和贝尔维尤医院的精神病学家Marc W. Manseau博士也持有公共卫生硕士学位,他向About.com解释了公共卫生研究人员如何构建城市内部生活与心理健康之间的联系。他说,最近有大量关于经济不平等,贫困和邻里剥夺的无数身心健康影响的文献。贫困,尤其是城市贫困,尤其是儿童时期的成长和发展。大多数精神疾病的发病率,包括但不限于创伤后应激障碍,对于长大贫困的人来说更高。此外,经济匮乏会降低学业成绩并增加行为问题,从而削弱了几代人的潜力。由于这些原因,不断加剧的不平等和地方性贫困可以而且确实必须被视为公共卫生危机。


Social determinants are the main drivers of health disparity, which the World Health Organization defines as “health differences, which are not only unnecessary and avoidable, but also considered unfair and unfair.” In addition, race, ethnicity, Geographical differences in socioeconomic and health care are responsible for the poor health of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and asthma. In terms of mental and substance use disorders, differences in prevalence persist under many conditions, as are the differences in access to care, quality of care and overall burden of disease. Dr. Shim and his colleagues put forward a sociological perspective on this issue. He added: “It is important to note that the social determinants of mental health are determined by the distribution of money, power and resources around the world and the United States.” In other words, the level of power and privilege creates a level of health. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a public health crisis for inner city youth. In recent decades, medical researchers and public health officials have been paying attention to the psychological impact of living in urban communities that are apartheid and economically depleted. Dr. Marc W. Manseau, a psychiatrist at New York University Medical Center and Bellevue Hospital, also holds a master’s degree in public health. He explained to About.com how public health researchers can bridge the gap between urban life and mental health. He said that there have been a large number of recent literature on the effects of economic inequality, poverty and the numerous physical and mental health effects of neighborhood deprivation. Poverty, especially urban poverty, especially during childhood. The incidence of most mental illnesses, including but not limited to post-traumatic stress disorder, is higher for people who are growing up poor. In addition, economic deprivation reduces academic performance and increases behavioral problems, thereby undermining the potential of generations. For these reasons, increasing inequality and local poverty can and do must be seen as a public health crisis.


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