在接受“福布斯”采访时,大卫·邓宁解释说“善于完成一项任务所需的知识和智慧往往与认识到一个人不擅长这项任务所需的品质相同。”换句话说,如果有人知道的话关于某一特定主题,他们可能甚至不了解该主题,以认识到他们的知识是有限的。重要的是,某人可能在某个领域具有高技能,但在另一个领域容易受到Dunning-Kruger效应的影响。这意味着每个人都可能受到Dunning-Kruger效应的影响:Dunning在太平洋标准的一篇文章中解释说“认为这不适用于你可能会非常诱人。但是,无法识别的无知问题是我们所有人的问题。“换句话说,Dunning-Kruger效应可能会发生在任何人身上。如果对某个主题知之甚少的人认为他们是专家,专家会怎么想?当Dunning和Kruger进行他们的学业时,他们还会看到那些对这些任务非常熟练的人(那些在前25%的参与者中得分的人)。他们发现这些参与者往往比最低25%的参与者更准确地看待他们的表现,但他们实际上倾向于低估他们相对于其他参与者的表现 – 尽管他们通常猜测他们的表现高于平均水平,他们没有意识到他们做得多好。正如TED-Ed视频所解释的那样,“专家们往往意识到他们的知识水平。但他们经常会犯一个不同的错误:他们认为其他人都是知识渊博的。“


In an interview with Forbes, David Dunning explained that “the knowledge and wisdom required to perform a task is often the same as the quality required to recognize that a person is not good at the task.” In other words, Someone knows that for a particular topic, they may not even understand the subject to realize that their knowledge is limited. Importantly, someone may be highly skilled in one area but vulnerable to the Dunning-Kruger effect in another. This means that everyone may be affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect: Dunning explained in an article in the Pacific Standard that “it may be tempting to think that this does not apply to you. However, the unrecognized ignorance problem is all of us. The problem. “In other words, the Dunning-Kruger effect can happen to anyone. If people who know little about a topic think they are experts, what do experts think? When Dunning and Kruger conduct their studies, they will also see those who are very skilled at these tasks (those who scored among the top 25% of the participants). They found that these participants tend to view their performance more accurately than the lowest 25% of participants, but they actually tend to underestimate their performance relative to other participants – although they usually guess their performance is above average, they Not realizing how good they are. As explained in the TED-Ed video, “experts are often aware of their level of knowledge. But they often make a different mistake: they think others are knowledgeable.”


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