例如,在正常的谈话中,当三人或四人的小组同时讲话时,人们通常可以挑选和理解个人的声音。然而,当大量人群同时说话时,能够听到任何单个声音的可能性大大降低。在这种性质中,一次说话的1000个人的声音与白噪声类似。由于大多数心烦意乱的人发现很难集中注意力,因此教师要求学生在安静的房间里学习。但是因为他们觉得学习无聊,有些人说听起来像音乐或电视实际上帮助他们集中注意力。然而,由于这种容易辨别的声音可能会分散注意力,一些教育工作者和心理学家建议将白噪声作为替代学习辅助手段。虽然从20世纪60年代早期开始使用白噪声作为助眠剂,但它可能也有助于人们学习的理论相对较新。 2014年在汉堡 – 埃彭多夫大学医学中心进行的研究发表在认知神经科学杂志上,发现白噪声和人们学习数学之间存在正相关关系,以及注意力缺陷多动障碍儿童的短期记忆(多动症) )。


For example, in a normal conversation, when a group of three or four people speaks at the same time, people can usually pick and understand the voice of the individual. However, when a large number of people speak at the same time, the possibility of being able to hear any single sound is greatly reduced. In this nature, the voice of 1000 people who speak at a time is similar to white noise. Because most of the upset people find it difficult to concentrate, the teacher asks the students to study in a quiet room. But because they feel bored learning, some people say it sounds like music or TV actually helps them focus. However, because this easily discernible sound may be distracting, some educators and psychologists recommend white noise as an alternative learning aid. Although white noise has been used as a sleep aid since the early 1960s, it may also be a relatively new theory for people to learn. A study conducted at the University of Hamburg-Eppendorf Medical Center in 2014, published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, found a positive correlation between white noise and people learning mathematics, as well as short-term memory of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD)).


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