以这种方式提及源于社会结构条件和经济关系的广泛的身心健康问题,就是表明这些问题是“引擎盖”本身所特有的。因此,该术语掩盖了导致这些心理健康结果的非常真实的社会和经济力量。它表明,贫困和犯罪是病态问题,似乎是由这种“疾病”引起的,而不是由特定社会结构和经济关系产生的邻里条件引起的。批判性地思考,我们也可以将“兜帽疾病”这个术语看作是“贫困文化”论文的延伸,由二十世纪中叶的许多社会科学家和活动家宣传 – 后来完全被证明 – 这就是它的价值所在。穷人的制度使他们陷入贫困的循环。在这种推理中,由于人们在贫困社区中长大贫困,他们被社会化为贫困所特有的价值观,然后在生活和行动时,重新创造贫困的条件。这篇论文存在严重缺陷,因为它没有任何社会结构力量的考虑因素造成贫困,塑造了人们生活的条件。根据社会学家和种族学者迈克尔奥米和霍华德温特的说法,如果它“创造或复制基于本质主义种族的统治结构”,那就是种族主义。


To refer in this way to widespread physical and mental health problems that stem from social structural conditions and economic relations is to suggest that these problems are endemic to “the hood” itself. As such, the term obscures the very real social and economic forces that lead to these mental health outcomes. It suggests that poverty and crime are pathological problems, seemingly caused by this “disease,” rather than by the conditions in the neighborhood, which are produced by particular social structural and economic relations. Thinking critically, we can also see the term “hood disease” as an extension of the “culture of poverty” thesis, propagated by many social scientists and activists in the mid-twentieth century—later soundly disproven—which holds that it is the value system of the poor that keeps them in a cycle of poverty. Within this reasoning, because people grow up poor in poor neighborhoods, they are socialized into values unique to poverty, which then when lived out and acted upon, recreate the conditions of poverty. This thesis is deeply flawed because it is devoid of any considerations of social structural forces that create poverty, and shape the conditions of people’s lives. According to sociologists and race scholars Michael Omi and Howard Winant’s, something is racist if it “creates or reproduces structures of domination based on essentialist categories of race.”


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