2012年9月21日,它迎来了成千上万的参观者,目睹了Endeavour航天飞机在前往加州科学中心途中飞往洛杉矶的最后一站的历史性天桥。从日食到观星,天文台是整个南加州宇宙事件的发源地。天文台有许多着名的展品,包括特斯拉线圈和一幅名为“大画面”的图像。这个图像代表了处女座星系团(星系团)中的一小部分天空,可以通过手臂的长度伸出手指来覆盖,向游客展示宇宙及其包含的物体的巨大空间。这些展品旨在通过持续的宇宙访问激发游客的想象力和探究。它们涵盖了从太阳系和地球到可观测宇宙最远处的一切。除展品外,天文台每月还在伦纳德尼莫伊活动地平线剧院举办讲座。这个特殊的空间的名字是为了纪念已故的星际迷航演员,他在星际迷航中描绘了斯波克先生的瓦肯人物。 Nimoy是天文馆的大力支持者,并积极为其翻新获取资金。天文台提供现场直播的Nimoy会谈以及其他活动。它还创建每周天空报告并在线提供新闻档案。


On September 21, 2012, it welcomed thousands of visitors and witnessed the historic bridge of the Endeavour space shuttle to Los Angeles on its way to the California Science Center. From eclipse to stargazing, the Observatory is the birthplace of the entire Southern California universe. The Observatory has many famous exhibits, including Tesla coils and an image called “Big Screen”. This image represents a small part of the sky in the Virgo Cluster (Galaxy Cluster), which can be covered by the length of the arm, revealing the space of the universe and the objects it contains. These exhibits are designed to inspire visitors’ imagination and inquiry through continuous space visits. They cover everything from the solar system and the Earth to the farthest point of the observable universe. In addition to the exhibits, the Observatory also holds monthly lectures at the Horizon Theatre in Leonard Nimoy. The name of this special space is to commemorate the late Star Trek actor, who depicted Mr. Spock’s Vulcan character in Star Trek. Nimoy is a strong supporter of the Planetarium and is actively seeking funding for its renovation. The Observatory provides live Nimoy talks and other events. It also creates weekly sky reports and provides news archives online.


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