也许是最着名的俄罗斯民间故事,它从很小的时候就被视为俄罗斯儿童的睡前故事。 在故事中,一位老人和一位老太太有一只叫做Ryaba的母鸡,有一天他会生产一个金蛋。 男人和女人试图打破它,但它没有打破。 他们筋疲力尽地把鸡蛋放在桌子上,坐在外面休息。 一只老鼠跑过鸡蛋,它的故事设法将它放在地上,鸡蛋在那里破碎。 随之而来的是泪水,村里各种各样的居民都在哭泣,包括树木,猫和狗。 这个故事被认为是世界创造的基督教版本的民间代表:老夫妻代表亚当和夏娃,老鼠 – 地下世界,金蛋 – 伊甸园。 这个着名的民间故事讲述了Tsarevich Ivan的故事,他的父亲沙皇命令他嫁给一只青蛙。

新加坡国立大学教育Assignment 代写:儿童的睡前故事

Perhaps the most famous Russian folktale, it was regarded as a bedtime story of Russian children from a very young age. In the story, an old man and an old lady have a hen called Ryaba, and one day he will produce a golden egg. Men and women tried to break it, but it didn’t break. They put the eggs on the table exhausted and sat outside to rest. A mouse ran over the egg, and its story managed to lay it on the ground, where the egg broke. It was followed by tears, and all the residents in the village were crying, including trees, cats and dogs. This story is considered to be the folk representative of the Christian version created by the world: the old couple represents Adam and Eve, the mouse – the underground world, the golden egg – the Garden of Eden. This famous folktale tells the story of Tsarevich Ivan, whose father Tsar ordered him to marry a frog.



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