2014年4月25日,康涅狄格州高中生Maren Sanchez在拒绝邀请参加舞会后,被同学Chris Plaskon在学校的走廊里刺死。在这次令人心碎和毫无意义的攻击之后,许多评论员认为普拉斯顿可能患有精神疾病。常识思维告诉我们,事情一定不能与这个人在一段时间内是正确的,并且不知何故,周围的人错过了一个黑暗,危险的转折的迹象。正如逻辑一样,正常人根本就不会这样做。事实上,克里斯普拉斯顿出现了一些问题,这种拒绝 – 我们大多数人经常发生的事情 – 导致了可怕的暴力行为。然而,社会学家指出,这不是一个独立的事件,马伦的死不仅仅是一个精神错乱的青少年的结果。从这个事件的社会学角度来看,人们不会看到一个孤立的事件,而是一个长期和普遍的模式的一部分。 Maren Sanchez是世界上数以亿计的男女受暴力侵害的女性和女孩之一。在美国,几乎所有女性和同性恋者都会遭受街头骚扰,这通常包括恐吓和人身攻击。根据疾病预防控制中心的数据,大约五分之一的女性会遭受某种形式的性侵犯;大学入学妇女的比率为1/4。将近四分之一的女性和女孩将遭遇男性亲密伴侣的暴力行为,据司法局称,在美国遇害的所有女性和女孩中,将近一半死于亲密伴侣的手中。虽然男女同样也是这类罪行的受害者,有时甚至是女孩和妇女,但统计数据显示,绝大多数性暴力和性别暴力都是男性犯下的,女性经历过这种暴力。这在很大程度上是因为男孩们被社会化认为他们的男性气质在很大程度上取决于他们对女孩的吸引力。男性气质与暴力之间的联系。社会学家CJ Pascoe在她的书“Dude,你是一个Fag”中解释说,基于加州一所高中一年的深入研究,男孩被社会化以理解和表达他们的男性气质的方式是以他们“获得”的能力为前提的。 “女孩们,以及她们对女孩的真实和性征服的讨论。为了成功地男性化,男孩必须赢得女孩的注意,说服她们约会,进行性活动,并每天主宰女孩身体,以展示她们的身体优势和更高的社会地位。一个男孩不仅要做这些必要的事情来展示和获得他的男性气质,而且同样重要的是,他必须公开做这些事情,并定期与其他男孩谈论这些事情。帕斯科总结了这种“做”性别的异性恋方式:“男性气质在这种情况下被理解为通常通过性化话语表达的支配形式。”她将这些行为的集合称为“强迫性异性恋”,这是强制性的需要。为了建立一个男性的身份,证明一个人的异性恋。那么,这意味着我们社会中的男性气质基本上以男性主宰女性的能力为前提。如果一个男性未能证明这种与女性的关系,他就不能实现被认为是规范的,优选的男性身份。重要的是,社会学家认识到,最终激发这种实现男性气质的方式不是性欲或浪漫欲望,而是渴望成为女权和女性的权力。这就是为什么那些研究过强奸的人不是把它作为一种性激情犯罪,而是一种权力犯罪 – 它是关于对s的控制omeone别人的身体。在这种情况下,女性无力,失败或拒绝默许这些与男性的权力关系具有广泛的灾难性影响。不能对街头骚扰“感激”,最多你被烙上一个婊子,而在最坏的情况下,你会被跟踪和殴打。拒绝求婚者的约会请求,您可能会受到骚扰,跟踪,身体攻击或被杀。不同意,失望或面对亲密的伴侣或男性权威人物,你可能会遭到殴打,强奸或失去生命。生活在性和性别的规范期望之外,你的身体成为一种工具,男性可以通过它来证明自己的优势和优越感,从而展示他们的男性气质。


On April 25, 2014, Connecticut high school student Maren Sanchez was stabbed to death in the school corridor by classmate Chris Plaskon after refusing to invite to the ball. After this heartbreaking and meaningless attack, many commentators thought that Praston might have mental illness. Common sense thinking tells us that things must not be correct with this person for a while, and somehow the people around have missed a sign of a dark, dangerous turn. Just like logic, normal people simply don’t do this. In fact, Chris Plaston has had some problems, and this rejection – something that most of us happen often – has led to terrible violence. However, sociologists point out that this is not an independent event, and that Mullen’s death is not only the result of a young man with insanity. From the sociological point of view of this event, people will not see an isolated event, but a part of a long-term and universal model. Maren Sanchez is one of the hundreds of millions of women and girls who are victims of violence in the world. In the United States, almost all women and homosexuals suffer from street harassment, which usually includes intimidation and physical assault. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in five women suffer some form of sexual assault; the rate of college enrollment is 1/4. Nearly a quarter of women and girls will experience violence from male intimate partners. According to the Bureau of Justice, nearly half of all women and girls killed in the United States die in the hands of intimate partners. Although men and women are also victims of such crimes, sometimes even girls and women, statistics show that the vast majority of sexual and gender-based violence is committed by men, who have experienced such violence. This is largely because boys are socialized that their masculinity depends to a large extent on their attractiveness to girls. The link between masculinity and violence. Sociologist CJ Pascoe explains in her book “Dude, You are a Fag” that based on an in-depth study of a high school in California, the way boys are socialized to understand and express their masculinity is by them. The ability to acquire is premised. “Girls, and their discussion of the true and sexual conquest of girls. In order to be successfully masculine, boys must win the attention of girls, persuade them to date, engage in sexual activities, and dominate the girls’ bodies every day to demonstrate their physical superiority and A higher social status. A boy not only has to do the necessary things to show and gain his masculinity, but equally important, he must do these things publicly and regularly talk to other boys about these things. Pascoe concludes This heterosexual approach of “doing” gender: “Men temperament is understood in this case to be the dominant form usually expressed through sexual discourse. “She calls these collections of behaviors “obsessive heterosexuality,” which is a mandatory need. To establish a male identity and prove a person’s heterosexuality, then this means that the masculinity in our society is basically It is premised on the ability of men to dominate women. If a man fails to prove this relationship with women, he cannot achieve what is considered a normative, preferred male identity. Importantly, sociologists recognize that this is ultimately motivated The way to achieve masculinity is not sexual desire or romantic desire, but the desire to become a feminist and female power. This is why those who have studied rape are not criminals of sexual passion, but a crime of power – it is Regarding the control of s omeone other people’s body. In this case, women’s powerlessness, failure or refusal to acquiesce to these power relations with men has a wide catastrophic effect. Can not be “grateful” for street harassment, at most you are branded Scorpion, and in the worst case, you will be tracked and beaten. Rejecting the date of the suit of the suitor, you may be sighed Distract, follow, physically attack or be killed. Disagree, disappoint or face an intimate partner or male authority figure, you may be beaten, raped or lose your life. Living outside the normative expectations of sex and gender, your The body becomes a tool through which men can prove their superiority and superiority and thus demonstrate their masculinity.


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