把你的名字写在书的标题上并不意味着你会成为焦点。以Bram Stoker的经典1897哥特式恐怖小说Dracula为例。同名的吸血鬼出人意料地很少,并且在他与乔纳森·哈克最初对话之后才出现。尽管如此,他仍然非常值得小说头衔的荣誉。他的行为决定了小说的事件在发生,主要人物谈论的只有他自己。虽然没有直接看到,但他的行为给露西,米娜和伦菲尔德带来了实实在在的后果,他的舞台后阴谋让英雄们难以跟上,决定他的动机和他的下一个动作,然后才能执行。虽然他很少与我们的英雄在物理上分享相同的空间,但他们对德古拉经常策划和策划的知识促使他们果断行事,承担风险,并以各种方式给予他们生命的血液来为他们的毁灭服务。从某种意义上讲,德古拉是把他们变成英雄的人。


Having your name in the title of a book doesn’t mean you get to be in the spotlight. Take the classic 1897 gothic horror novel Dracula, by Bram Stoker. The eponymous vampire appears in person surprisingly little, and only once after his initial conversations with Jonathan Harker. Despite this, he still very much deserves the honor of the novel’s title. His actions set the events of the novel in motion, and the main characters talk of nothing else but him. While not directly seen, his actions leave tangible consequences on Lucy, Mina, and Renfield, and his offstage plotting leaves the heroes struggling to keep up, to determine his motives and his next movements before he can execute on them. While he rarely physically shares the same space as our heroes, their knowledge of Dracula’s constant scheming and plotting spurs them to act decisively, take risks, and in a variety of ways give their life’s blood in service of his destruction. In a sense, Dracula is the one who turns them into heroes.


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