杜鲁门的竞选活动是基于向人民宣传。杜威虽然超然而闷闷不乐,但杜鲁门却是开放,友善的,并且与人们相处融洽。为了与人们交谈,杜鲁门乘坐了他的特殊铂尔曼汽车,费迪南德·麦哲伦(Ferdinand Magellan),然后去了全国。在六个星期内,杜鲁门旅行了大约32,000英里,并发表了355次演讲。在这次“口哨停止运动”中,杜鲁门将在一个镇上停下来讲话,让人们问问题,介绍他的家人并握手。哈里·杜鲁门(Harry Truman)以自己的坚强意志和坚强的意志与反对共和党战斗的弱者而战,赢得了一个口号:“给他们,地狱,哈里!”但是即使有毅力,辛勤工作和大批民众,媒体仍然不相信杜鲁门有战斗的机会。在杜鲁门总统仍在竞选之际,《新闻周刊》对50名主要政治记者进行了民意调查,以确定他们认为会获胜的候选人。 《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)出现在10月11日的一期杂志上,并指出了结果:所有50位成员都认为杜威会获胜。

澳大利亚莫道克大学Media Essay代写:新闻周刊

Truman’s campaign is based on publicizing the people. Although Dewey is super unhappy, Truman is open, friendly, and acquainted with people. To talk to people, Truman took his special Pullman car, Ferdinand Magellan, and went to the country. In six weeks, Truman traveled about 32,000 miles and delivered 355 speeches. In this “whistle stop motion”, Truman will stop in a town to speak, ask people to ask questions, introduce his family and shake hands. Harry Truman, with his strong will and strong will, fought against the weaks who fought against the Republican Party and won a slogan: “Give them, hell, Harry!” But even with perseverance, hard work and a large number of people, The media still does not believe that Truman has a chance to fight. On the occasion of President Truman’s campaign, Newsweek conducted a public opinion survey of 50 major political journalists to identify the candidates they thought would win. Newsweek appeared in a October 11 issue of the magazine and pointed out the results: all 50 members believe that Dewey will win.



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