动画也是增加课程内容的深度的一种方式,以接触到许多不同学习风格的学习者,特别是那些在空间、听觉、语言和内心风格。与动画相结合的活动可以用于小组活动,以帮助巩固人际学习者的课程内容。在课程内容的展示中使用动画已经变得越来越流行,因为创建动画的廉价免费工具越来越多。教师不再需要使用Adobe、Maya、3D Studio Max或Blender 3D建模软件等工具的高级经验。该软件虽然可用,但可能是免费的(开源的)或相当昂贵。不管价格如何,所有这些软件都有一个陡峭的学习曲线,并且需要相当多的时间来创建一个动画。现在情况已经不一样了。像Pencil 2D、Animation Paper和Synfig这样的软件包现在有了更短的学习曲线,这使得新手用户能够在更短的时间内创建引人注目的动画。1921年,Fredrick R. Barnard说过:“一幅画胜过1000个字。”这在今天和过去都是正确的。在过去,图像被用于从“如何”的书籍到印刷的装配说明的一切。无论是学习如何制作蛋奶酥或简单地放在一起一块“一些装配需要“家具或孩子的玩具,使用图片提供补充信息,因为一直有流程更容易想象如果有一个图形包括提供进一步的信息。YouTube和流媒体视频服务的流行将这一概念提升到了一个新的高度。今天课堂上的学生在他们的大部分时间里都在使用YouTube和谷歌。这似乎是过去流行的一种自然的延伸,将动画的使用带入课堂。肖(2013)指出:“课堂动画在教育领域越来越受欢迎。从老师到学生,几乎所有人都有在PowerPoint中使用动画的经验。”

新西兰教育学assignment代写 教育领域

Animation is also a way to add to the depth of lesson content to reach learners of many different learning styles, especially those in the Spatial, Auditory, Linguistic and Intrapersonal styles. Activities which combine with Animation can be used for group activities to help solidify lesson content for Interpersonal Learners. The use of animation in the presentation of course content has been gaining in popularity, as the availability of inexpensive of free tools to create the animations have increased. Teachers no longer need advanced experience using tools like Adobe, Maya, 3D Studio Max, or Blender 3D Modeling software. This software while available, could be free (open source) or quite expensive. Regardless of the price tag, all of this software came with a steep learning curve, and required quite a bit of time to create an animation. That is no longer the case. Software packages like Pencil 2D, Animation Paper, and Synfig now come with a much shorter learning curve, which enables novice users to create engaging animations in much less time. In 1921, Fredrick R. Barnard stated, “a picture is worth 1000 words”. This is as true today, as it was then. In the past images have been used in everything from “How To” books to printed assembly instructions. Whether it is learning about how to make a soufflé or simply putting together a piece of “some assembly required” furniture or child’s toy, the use of pictures has always provided supplemental information because there are processes which are easier to envision if there is a graphic included to provide further information. The rise in popularity of YouTube and streaming video services has taken this concept to the next level. The students of today’s classroom have been using YouTube and Google for most of their lives. It would seem a natural extension of this popular past time, to bring the use of animation into the classroom. Xiao (2013), points out, “Animation in the classroom is becoming more and more popular in education. From teachers to students, almost all people have the experience of using animation in PowerPoint.”


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