关于“七大罪”有一些研究,但关于贪婪的研究却​​很少(Frank,2001; Solomon,1999; Wenzel,1968; Wachtel,2003)。但是,有一些有关主题的研究,例如炫耀性消费,金钱,唯物主义和自利(Arrow&Dasgupta,2009; De Botton,2004; Khan,2004;Krähmer,2006; Frank,1999; Rege,2006; Richins,2006)。 1994; Rucker&Galinsky,2009; Veblen,1899)。在所有这些研究中,贪婪与地位无关。我认为状态是概念中缺少的变量,这可能是人们继续购买物质商品的潜在动机。由于它可能有助于进一步了解贪婪及其对消费者行为的影响,因此使本论文在学术上具有现实意义。本文试图为人们进一步了解贪婪做出贡献。有了获得的知识,就有可能抵制由于贪婪而引起的不良发展,例如信贷紧缩或内战。它还可能引起关注,并将此主题提上日程,以便将来能够保护消费者。


There is some research on the “Seven Major Sins,” but little research on greed (Frank, 2001; Solomon, 1999; Wenzel, 1968; Wachtel, 2003). However, there are some studies on topics such as conspicuous consumption, money, materialism and self-interest (Arrow & Dasgupta, 2009; De Botton, 2004; Khan, 2004; Krähmer, 2006; Frank, 1999; Rege, 2006; Richins, 2006 ). 1994; Rucker & Galinsky, 2009; Veblen, 1899). In all these studies, greed has nothing to do with status. I think state is a missing variable in the concept, which may be a potential motivation for people to continue buying material goods. Because it may help to better understand greed and its impact on consumer behavior, it makes this paper academically relevant. This article attempts to contribute to a better understanding of greed. With the acquired knowledge, it is possible to resist bad developments caused by greed, such as credit crunches or civil war. It may also be of interest and put this topic on the agenda so that consumers can be protected in the future.



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