但是,实际上,朝圣者并不是庆祝感恩节的第一批移民-可能属于缅因州的Popham殖民地,缅因州曾庆祝1607年的到来日。此后,朝圣者并没有每年庆祝一次 。 他们确实庆祝了1630年来自欧洲的物资和朋友的到来; 在1637年和1676年,朝圣者庆祝了Wampanoag邻居的失败。 1676年的庆祝活动令人难忘,因为在盛宴结束时,被派去击败Wampanoag的游骑兵带回了他们的领袖Metacom的首领,他以他的英文名字Philip King闻名于世。 在殖民地展出20年。 假期继续作为新英格兰的传统,但不是用宴席和家庭来庆祝,而是用喝醉的醉汉们挨家挨户乞讨来庆祝。

澳大利亚迪肯大学Intercultural Communication代写:新英格兰

But, in fact, pilgrims were not the first immigrants to celebrate Thanksgiving-probably belonging to the Popham colony in Maine, which celebrated the day of arrival in 1607. Since then, pilgrims have not celebrated once a year. They did celebrate the arrival of supplies and friends from Europe in 1630; in 1637 and 1676, the pilgrims celebrated the defeat of the Wampanoag neighbor. The 1676 celebration was memorable because at the end of the feast, the Rangers sent to defeat Wampanoag brought back the leader of their leader Metacom, who is best known by his English name Philip King. Exhibited in the colony for 20 years. Holidays continue to be a New England tradition, but not celebrated with banquets and families, but celebrated with drunk drunks begging door to door.



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