2005年1月1日之前在爱尔兰出生的人,除了在爱尔兰持有外交豁免权的父母的子女外,自动获得爱尔兰公民身份。如果您在1956年至2004年之间出生于爱尔兰境外的爱尔兰出生的爱尔兰公民的父母(母亲和/或父亲),您也自动被视为爱尔兰公民。 1922年12月以后在北爱尔兰出生的人,在1922年12月之前在爱尔兰出生的父母或祖父母也自动成为爱尔兰公民。 2005年1月1日之后(在2004年颁布爱尔兰国籍和公民身份法案后)在爱尔兰出生于非爱尔兰国民的个人不会自动获得爱尔兰公民身份 – 爱尔兰外交和贸易部可提供更多信息。 1956年的“爱尔兰国籍和公民法”规定,在爱尔兰境外出生的某些人可以通过血统领取爱尔兰公民身份。出生在爱尔兰(包括北爱尔兰)的爱尔兰境外出生的爱尔兰人,其祖母或祖父,而非他或她的父母,可以通过在都柏林外交部的爱尔兰外国出生登记处(FBR)登记,或者成为爱尔兰公民。在最近的爱尔兰大使馆或领事处。如果您出生在国外,您也可以申请外国出生登记。父母虽然不是在爱尔兰出生,但在您出生时是爱尔兰公民。


A person born in Ireland before January 1, 2005, automatically acquires Irish citizenship in addition to the children of a parent who has diplomatic immunity in Ireland. If you were born to a parent (mother and/or father) of an Irish-born Irish citizen who was born outside of Ireland between 1956 and 2004, you are also automatically considered an Irish citizen. People born in Northern Ireland after December 1922, parents or grandparents born in Ireland before December 1922 also automatically become Irish citizens. Individuals born in Ireland to non-Irish nationals after January 1, 2005 (after the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act was enacted in 2004) do not automatically acquire Irish citizenship – the Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade can provide more information. The Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act of 1956 provides that certain individuals born outside of Ireland can receive Irish citizenship through descent. An Irish born outside of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) whose grandmother or grandfather, not his or her parents, can be registered at the Irish Foreign Births Registry (FBR) of the Dublin Foreign Office or become an Irish citizen . At the nearest Irish embassy or consular office. If you are born abroad, you can also apply for a foreign birth registration. Although the parents were not born in Ireland, they were Irish citizens when you were born.



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