在金正日的改革下,首都平壤的建筑热潮主要集中在现代办公空间和住房,而不是过去的纪念碑。在他的父亲或祖父的统治期间闻所未闻,金正恩政府允许并鼓励建造娱乐和水上公园,溜冰场和滑雪胜地。金正恩继续并扩大了朝鲜高度批评的核武器计划,这是由他的父亲金正日开始的。这位年轻的独裁者无视长期存在的国际制裁,监督了一系列地下核试验和中程和远程导弹的试飞。 2016年11月,一架手无寸铁的朝鲜Hwasong-15远程导弹在海面上空飞行了2800英里,然后飞溅到日本海岸。虽然被批评为国际社会的直接挑衅,但金正日宣称,试验表明朝鲜“终于实现了完成国家核力量的伟大历史事业”。


Under the reform of Kim Jong Il, the construction boom of the capital Pyongyang was mainly concentrated in modern office space and housing, not the monuments of the past. Unheard of during the reign of his father or grandfather, the Kim Jong-un government allowed and encouraged the construction of recreational and water parks, ice rinks and ski resorts. Kim Jong-un continued and expanded North Korea’s highly criticized nuclear weapons program, which was started by his father Kim Jong Il. The young dictator ignored a long-standing international sanction and oversaw a series of underground nuclear tests and test flights of medium and long-range missiles. In November 2016, an unarmed North Korean Hwasong-15 long-range missile flew 2,800 miles over the sea and then splashed onto the coast of Japan. Although criticized as a direct provocation by the international community, Kim Jong Il declared that the experiment showed that North Korea “finally achieved the great historical cause of completing the nuclear power of the country.”



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