很少有国家在没有一定程度的爱国情怀的情况下生存和繁荣。 对国家的热爱和共同的自豪感将人们聚集在一起,帮助他们忍受挑战。 如果没有共同的爱国信仰,殖民地的美国人可能不会选择前往英国独立的道路。 最近,爱国主义将美国人民团结在一起,以克服大萧条并在第二次世界大战中取得胜利。 爱国主义的潜在缺点是,如果它成为强制性的政治学说,它可以用来使人们互相反对,甚至可以引导国家拒绝其基本价值观。 美国历史上的一些例子包括:早在1798年,由于担心与法国的战争,极端的爱国主义导致国会颁布外国人和煽动行为,允许在没有适当法律程序的情况下监禁某些美国移民并限制第一 修正言论和新闻自由。


Few countries survive and prosper without a certain degree of patriotism. The love of the country and the common pride bring people together to help them endure the challenge. Without a common patriotic belief, colonial Americans may not choose to travel to Britain for independence. Recently, patriotism united the American people to overcome the Great Depression and win in the Second World War. The potential shortcoming of patriotism is that if it becomes a mandatory political doctrine, it can be used to make people object to each other and even lead the state to reject its basic values. Some examples in American history include: As early as 1798, due to fear of war with France, extreme patriotism led to the enactment of foreigners and incitement by Congress, allowing certain US immigrants to be imprisoned without restrictions and appropriate restrictions. A revised speech and freedom of the press.


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