继2016年共和党总统唐纳德特朗普当选总统之后,沃伦成为他政府直言不讳的批评者。在总检察长提名的共和党参议员杰夫塞申斯的确认听证会上发生了一个决定性的时刻。沃伦试图大声朗读Coretta Scott King多年前写过的一封信,称塞申斯利​​用他的权力压制黑人选民。沃伦被共和党多数人拦截和谴责;她在互联网直播上大声朗读了这封信。在他的指责中,参议院多数党领袖米奇麦康奈尔说,“[沃伦]受到了警告。她得到了解释。然而,她坚持说道。“这一声明进入了流行文化词汇,成为女性运动的号召。参议员沃伦反对特朗普政府的许多政策,并公开谈论特朗普本人的利益冲突和不当行为。沃伦也卷入了自己的头条制造丑闻,这些丑闻源于她对美洲原住民遗产的宣称,她在几年的时间里重复了这一丑闻。当沃伦进行DNA测试证实存在一个原住民祖先时,部落领导人批评使用DNA测试结果作为一种主张美洲原住民身份的方式,这种争议更加复杂。沃伦为处理争议而道歉,并澄清说她了解祖先与实际部落成员之间的区别。


After the election of Republican President Donald Trump in 2016, Warren became an outspoken critics of his government. A decisive moment took place at the confirmation hearing of Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, nominated by the Attorney General. Warren tried to read aloud a letter that Coretta Scott King wrote many years ago, saying that Sessionsley used his power to suppress black voters. Warren was intercepted and condemned by the Republican majority; she read the letter aloud on the Internet. In his accusation, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, “[Warren] was warned. She was explained. However, she insisted. “This statement entered the popular culture vocabulary and became a female movement. Call of. Senator Warren opposed many of the Trump administration’s policies and publicly talked about Trump’s own conflict of interest and misconduct. Warren was also involved in a headline manufacturing scandal that stemmed from her claim to Native American heritage, which she repeated in a few years. When Warren conducted DNA tests to confirm the existence of an aboriginal ancestor, tribal leaders criticized the use of DNA test results as a way to claim Native American identity, a controversy that was more complicated. Warren apologized for handling the dispute and clarified that she understood the difference between the ancestors and the actual tribal members.



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