然而,打哈欠和同理心之间的联系尚无定论。杜克人类基因组变异中心的研究发表在PLOS ONE期刊上,旨在确定导致传染性打哈欠的因素。在这项研究中,328名健康志愿者接受了一项调查,其中包括嗜睡,能量水平和同理心的测量。调查参与者观看了一段人们打呵欠的视频,并计算了他们在观看时打了多少次。虽然大多数人打呵欠,但不是每个人都这样做。在328名参与者中,222人至少打了一次哈欠。多次重复视频测试表明,给定的人是否具有传染性打哈欠是一个稳定的特征。杜克研究发现移情,时间,智力和传染性打哈欠之​​间没有相关性,但年龄和打哈欠之间存在统计相关性。年龄较大的参与者不太可能打哈欠。然而,由于与年龄相关的打哈欠仅占反应的8%,研究人员打算寻找传染性打哈欠的遗传基础。研究其他动物的传染性打哈欠可能为人们如何捕捉哈欠提供线索。在日本京都大学灵长类动物研究所进行的一项研究调查了黑猩猩对打哈欠的反应。发表在“皇家学会生物学快报”上的研究结果显示,该研究中的六只黑猩猩中有两只在响应其他黑猩猩打哈欠的视频时发生了严重的伤害。研究中的三只婴儿黑猩猩没有捕捉到哈欠,表明年轻的黑猩猩,像人类的孩子一样,可能缺乏捕捉哈欠所需的智力发展。该研究的另一个有趣的发现是,黑猩猩只是对实际打哈欠的视频作出了反应,而不是黑猩猩张嘴的视频。


However, the link between yawning and empathy is inconclusive. A study of the Duke Human Genome Variation Center was published in the journal PLOS ONE to identify factors that contribute to infectious yawning. In this study, 328 healthy volunteers underwent a survey that included sleepiness, energy levels, and empathy measurements. Survey participants watched a video of people yawning and calculated how many times they played while watching. Although most people yawn, not everyone does it. Of the 328 participants, 222 had yawned at least once. Repeated video tests have shown that it is a stable feature for a given person to have contagious yawning. The Duke study found no correlation between empathy, time, intelligence, and contagious yawning, but there was a statistical correlation between age and yawning. Older participants are less likely to yawn. However, because age-related yawning accounts for only 8% of the response, the researchers plan to find the genetic basis of infectious yawning. Studying the infective yawning of other animals may provide clues as to how people can capture yawns. A study conducted at the Institute of Primate Research at Kyoto University in Japan investigated the response of chimpanzees to yawning. The results of a study published in the Royal Society Biology Letters show that two of the six chimpanzees in the study suffered serious injuries in response to videos of other chimpanzees yawning. The three baby chimpanzees in the study did not catch yawns, suggesting that young chimpanzees, like human children, may lack the intellectual development needed to capture yawns. Another interesting finding of the study was that the chimpanzees only responded to the actual yawning video, not the video of the chimpanzee’s mouth.


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