地球是一块巨大的磁铁,与生活有着爱恨交织的关系。磁场保护我们免受太阳投掷给我们的最坏情况。每隔一段时间,北极和南极磁极的位置就会翻转。逆转发生的频率以及磁场稳定所需的时间变化很大。科学家们并不完全确定当两极转动时会发生什么。也许没什么。或者可能弱化的磁场会使地球暴露在太阳风中,让太阳偷走了我们的大量氧气。你知道,人类呼吸的气体。科学家表示,磁场逆转并不总是灭绝级事件。只是有时候。您可能会惊讶地发现,小行星或流星的影响只与一次大规模灭绝 – 白垩纪 – 古近纪灭绝事件 – 的确定性有关。其他影响是导致灭绝的因素,但不是主要原因。好消息是美国宇航局声称大约95%的彗星和直径大于1千米的小行星已被确定。另一个好消息是,科学家估计物体需要大约100公里(60英里)才能消灭所有生命。坏消息是还有另外5%,我们现在的技术对于一个重大威胁我们无能为力(不,布鲁斯威利斯无法引爆核武器并拯救我们)。显然,流星罢工的零点生物将会死亡。还有更多人将死于冲击波,地震,海啸和火灾风暴。那些在最初的影响中幸存下来的人将很难找到食物,因为投入大气的碎片会改变气候,导致大规模物种灭绝。对于这个,你可能会在零点处更好。


The earth is a huge magnet, with a love and hate relationship with life. The magnetic field protects us from the worst conditions that the sun throws at us. At regular intervals, the positions of the North and South poles are reversed. The frequency at which the reversal occurs and the time required for the stabilization of the magnetic field vary widely. Scientists are not entirely sure what happens when the poles turn. Maybe nothing. Or a weakened magnetic field exposes the Earth to the solar wind, letting the sun steal a lot of our oxygen. You know, the gas that humans breathe. Scientists say that magnetic field reversal is not always an extinction event. Just sometimes. You may be surprised to find that the effects of asteroids or meteors are only related to the certainty of a mass extinction – the Cretaceous – Paleogene extinction event. Other influences are factors that lead to extinction, but not the main reason. The good news is that NASA claims that about 95% of comets and asteroids larger than 1 kilometer in diameter have been identified. Another good news is that scientists estimate that an object needs about 100 kilometers (60 miles) to destroy all life. The bad news is that there is another 5%. Our current technology is powerless for a major threat (no, Bruce Willis can’t detonate nuclear weapons and save us). Obviously, the zero creature of the meteor strike will die. More people will die from shockwaves, earthquakes, tsunamis and firestorms. Those who survived the initial impact will find it difficult to find food because the debris that is put into the atmosphere will change the climate and lead to the extinction of large-scale species. For this, you might be better at zero.


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