大多数车友在购买完美的新滑雪板时都会遇到贴纸震撼,虽然很容易找到一款正是您所寻求的板子,但为这块板子买单可能会更具挑战性,价格从200美元到500美元不等。然而,下面的10个滑雪板是市场上最昂贵的滑雪板,它们可能会让你感觉更好地掏400美元。通常,其中最昂贵的是实验原型和Burton,Pogo和Kessler等品牌的限量版。如果您正在寻找打折的滑雪板,请查看Backcountry,这是一家精美滑雪板零售商,通常会将价格降低50%。许多高端电路板增加了长度和昂贵的木材来证明它们的高价位,但是Burton采用了不同的方法来修改它们的神秘创造。它是Burton最轻的重量板,但重量轻也意味着高科技功能。 Burton对董事会的描述有点含糊不清,但像“Methlon Base”和“Mystery Glass”这样的词汇吸引了他们吸引大量观众的一部分。我们知道这个板有一个标准的外倾角和真正的双尖端,所以它可以骑在山上的任何地方。 Burton Mystery曾以1699美元的价格成交。就在您认为500美元对于全新的董事会来说太过分时,凯斯勒阿尔卑斯让您感觉自己像个抱怨者。凯斯勒的顶级质量板已经成为了boardercross和滑雪板赛车场的主要内容,是该领域专业运动员的最爱。 Alpine的稳定边缘抓地力和Kessler Shape技术意味着您可以在最需要时获得最佳操控性;阿尔卑斯山几乎从山上飞过,这就是为什么更多的寄宿生在这块板上赢得高山冠军的原因。


Most riders will get a lot of stickers when buying the perfect new snowboard. Although it’s easy to find the one you are looking for, it can be more challenging to pay for this board, from $200 to 500. The dollar does not wait. However, the following 10 skis are the most expensive skis on the market, and they may make you feel better at $400. Often, the most expensive of these are experimental prototypes and limited editions of brands such as Burton, Pogo and Kessler. If you’re looking for discounted skis, check out Backcountry, a beautiful snowboard retailer that typically cuts prices by 50%. Many high-end boards add length and expensive wood to prove their high price, but Burton has taken a different approach to modifying their mysterious creation. It’s Burton’s lightest weight plate, but light weight also means high-tech features. Burton’s description of the board is a bit ambiguous, but words like “Methlon Base” and “Mystery Glass” have attracted a lot of viewers. We know that this board has a standard camber and a true double tip so it can ride anywhere on the mountain. Burton Mystery has sold for $1,699. Just when you think that $500 is too much for a new board, Kessler Alps makes you feel like a complainer. Kessler’s top quality panels have become a major part of the boardercross and snowboard races and are a favorite of professional athletes in the field. Alpine’s stable edge grip and Kessler Shape technology mean you get the best handling when you need it most; the Alps fly almost from the mountains, which is why more boarders win the mountain championship on this board.


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