他们特殊的生活方式不仅在保守派之间存在争议,而且在左翼团体中也存在争议。 Kommune 1很快因其极具挑衅性和自我中心的行为以及享乐主义的生活方式而闻名。此外,许多追星族来到了Kommune,它曾多次搬到西柏林。这很快也改变了公社本身以及成员彼此处理的方式。当他们住在一个废弃的布料大厅时,他们很快将行动限制在性,毒品和更多自我中心主义的问题上。尤其是Rainer Langhans因与模特Uschi Obermaier的开放关系而闻名。 (观看有关它们的纪录片)。两人都将自己的故事和照片卖给了德国媒体,成为了自由恋爱的标志性人物。然而,他们还必须目睹他们的室友如何越来越沉迷于海洛因和其他毒品。而且,成员之间的紧张关系变得明显。一些成员甚至被赶出了公社。随着理想主义生活方式的衰落,公社被一群摇滚者袭击。这是导致该项目于1969年结束的众多步骤之一。除了所有激进的想法和以自我为中心的方式之外,Kommune 1仍然是德国公众的某些部门的理想化。对于许多人来说,自由恋爱和开放的嬉皮生活方式的想法仍然令人着迷。但经过这么多年,似乎资本主义刚刚达到了前活动家。标志性嬉皮士Rainer Langhans于2011年出现在电视节目“Ich bin ein Star  –  Holt mich hier raus”中。尽管如此,Kommune 1及其成员的神话依然存在。


Their special way of life is not only controversial among conservatives, but also controversial in left-wing groups. Kommune 1 is quickly known for its provocative and self-centered behavior and hedonistic lifestyle. In addition, many star chasers have come to Kommune, which has moved to West Berlin several times. This quickly changed the way the communes themselves and the members deal with each other. When they lived in an abandoned cloth hall, they quickly limited their actions to sex, drugs and more egocentric issues. In particular, Rainer Langhans is known for his open relationship with the model Uschi Obermaier. (watch the documentary about them). Both of them sold their stories and photos to the German media and became the icon of free love. However, they must also see how their roommates are increasingly addicted to heroin and other drugs. Moreover, the tension between members becomes apparent. Some members were even driven out of the commune. With the decline of the idealistic lifestyle, the commune was attacked by a group of rockers. This was one of the many steps that led to the end of the project in 1969. In addition to all radical ideas and a self-centered approach, Kommune 1 is still ideal for certain sectors of the German public. For many people, the idea of ​​free love and an open hippie lifestyle is still fascinating. But after so many years, it seems that capitalism has just reached the former activists. The iconic hippie Rainer Langhans appeared on the TV show “Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus” in 2011. Despite this, the myth of Kommune 1 and its members still exists.


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