北方的德雷德·斯科特(Dred Scott)决定使废奴主义势力充满活力,对逃亡奴隶法案的抵制也有所增强。 1860年12月,南卡罗来纳州脱离了美国。虽然传统观点认为美国内战是由于涉及国家权利而不是奴隶制的复杂问题而开始的,但南卡罗来纳州自己的分裂宣言中写道:[他们构成契约[尊重逃亡奴隶的回归]被故意打破并被忽视非奴隶制国家。“南卡罗来纳州立法机构颁布法令,“结果是南卡罗来纳州被解除了她[继续留在美国的一部分]的义务。”美国内战夺走了超过一百万人的生命,打破了南方经济。尽管美国领导人最初不愿意在南方废除奴隶制,但亚伯拉罕·林肯总统在1863年1月最终默许了“解放宣言”,该宣言释放了所有南方奴隶,但没有影响生活在特拉华州,肯塔基州的非同盟国的奴隶。 ,马里兰州,密苏里州和西弗吉尼亚州。 1865年12月,第13修正案永久性地结束了全国各地的动产奴役制度。当美国于1865年废除动产奴隶制时,它为数百万非裔美国奴隶及其前任主人创造了新的经济现实的潜力。 。对于一些人(特别是老年奴隶)而言,情况根本没有改变 – 新获释的公民继续为那些在奴隶制时代成为他们主人的人工作。大多数逃脱奴役的人发现自己没有安全,资源,关系,就业前景和(有时)基本的公民权利。但其他人立即适应了他们新发现的自由 – 并且茁壮成长。


In the north, Dred Scott decided to energize the abolitionist forces and the boycott of the Runaway Act. In December 1860, South Carolina was separated from the United States. Although the traditional view was that the American civil war began with complex issues involving state rights rather than slavery, South Carolina’s own split declaration stated: [They formed a contract [respecting the return of the fugitive slave] was deliberately broken and Neglect non-slavery countries. “The South Carolina legislature issued a decree,” and the result was that South Carolina was relieved of her obligation to [continue to stay in the United States]. The American Civil War has claimed more than one million lives and broke the southern economy. Although American leaders were initially reluctant to abolish slavery in the South, President Abraham Lincoln finally acquiesced in the “Declaration of Emancipation” in January 1863. The declaration released all southern slaves, but did not affect slaves living in Delaware, a non-Allied state of Kentucky. Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia. In December 1865, the 13th Amendment ended permanently. The system of movable slavery across the country. When the United States abolished slavery in 1865, it created new economic realities for millions of African-American slaves and their former owners. For some people (especially old slaves) The situation has not changed at all – the newly released citizens continue to work for those who become their masters in the era of slavery. Most people who escape slavery find themselves without security, resources, relationships, employment prospects and (sometimes) basic Civil rights. But others immediately adapted to their newly discovered freedom – and thrive.





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