1961年8月13日夜幕降临,柏林墙(德语中称为Berliner Mauer)是西柏林和东德之间的物理分区。其目的是让不满的东德人逃离西方。当柏林墙于1989年11月9日倒塌时,它的破坏几乎与它的创造一样瞬间毁灭。 28年来,柏林墙一直是冷战的象征,也是苏联领导的共产主义与西方民主国家之间的铁幕。当它倒下时,它在世界各地庆祝。在第二次世界大战结束时,盟军分裂将德国征服为四个区域。正如波茨坦会议所商定的那样,每个国家都被美国,英国,法国或苏联占领。在德国首都柏林也是如此。苏联与其他三个盟国之间的关系迅速瓦解。结果,占领德国的合作氛围变得具有竞争性和侵略性。其中最着名的事件之一是1948年6月的柏林封锁,其间苏联停止了所有物资到达西柏林。尽管德国最终实现统一,但盟军之间的新关系将德国转变为西方与东方,民主与共产主义。 1949年,当美国,英国和法国占据的三个区域组合形成西德(德意志联邦共和国或FRG)时,这个新的德国组织正式成为正式组织。苏联占领的地区很快形成东德(德意志民主共和国,或民主德国)。在柏林发生了同样的西部和东部分裂。由于柏林市完全位于苏维埃职业区内,西柏林成为共产主义东德内部的民主岛屿。在战争后的短时间内,西德和东德的生活条件明显不同。在其占领国的帮助和支持下,西德建立了一个资本主义社会。经济经历了如此快速的增长,被称为“经济奇迹”。通过努力工作,居住在西德的人们能够生活得很好,购买小工具和电器,并按照自己的意愿旅行。在东德几乎恰恰相反。苏联将他们的区域视为战争的破坏。他们从他们的区域偷走了工厂设备和其他有价值的资产,并将它们运回苏联。当东德在1949年成为自己的国家时,它受苏联的直接影响,建立了共产主义社会。东德经济受到拖累,个人自由受到严重限制。


On the night of August 13, 1961, the Berlin Wall (called Berliner Mauer in German) is the physical division between West Berlin and East Germany. The purpose is to let the dissatisfied East Germans escape the West. When the Berlin Wall collapsed on November 9, 1989, its destruction was almost instantaneously destroyed as it was created. For 28 years, the Berlin Wall has been a symbol of the Cold War and an iron curtain between communistism led by the Soviet Union and Western democracies. When it fell, it celebrated around the world. At the end of the Second World War, the Allied divisions conquered Germany into four regions. As agreed by the Potsdam Conference, each country is occupied by the United States, Britain, France or the Soviet Union. The same is true in the German capital Berlin. The relationship between the Soviet Union and the other three allies quickly collapsed. As a result, the cooperative atmosphere of occupation of Germany has become competitive and aggressive. One of the most famous events was the Berlin blockade in June 1948, during which the Soviet Union stopped all supplies to West Berlin. Despite the eventual reunification of Germany, the new relationship between the Allies transformed Germany into the West and the East, democracy and communism. In 1949, when the three regions of the United States, the United Kingdom, and France formed a combination of West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany or FRG), the new German organization officially became a formal organization. The Soviet-occupied region soon formed East Germany (German Democratic Republic, or Democratic Germany). The same western and eastern division took place in Berlin. Since Berlin is entirely within the Soviet occupational area, West Berlin has become a democratic island within communist East Germany. In the short time after the war, the living conditions of West Germany and East Germany were significantly different. With the help and support of its occupying power, West Germany established a capitalist society. The economy has experienced such rapid growth and is known as the “economic miracle.” By working hard, people living in West Germany can live very well, buy gadgets and appliances, and travel as they wish. In East Germany, it is almost the opposite. The Soviet Union saw their region as the destruction of war. They stole factory equipment and other valuable assets from their area and shipped them back to the Soviet Union. When East Germany became its own country in 1949, it was directly influenced by the Soviet Union and established a communist society. The East German economy has been dragged down and personal freedom has been severely restricted.


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