
新西兰林肯大学生物学 Essay:如何使用糖果制作DNA模型

Gather together red and black licorice sticks, colored marshmallows or gummy bears, toothpicks, needle, string, and scissors. Assign names to the colored marshmallows or gummie bears to represent nucleotide bases. There should be four different colors each representing either adenine, cytosine, guanine or thymine. Assign names to the colored licorice pieces with one color representing the pentose sugar molecule and the other representing the phosphate molecule. Use the scissors to cut the licorice into 1 inch pieces. Using the needle, string half of the licorice pieces together lengthwise alternating between the black and red pieces. Repeat the procedure for the remaining licorice pieces to create a total of two stands of equal length. Connect two different colored marshmallows or gummy bears together using the toothpicks. Connect the toothpicks with the candy to either the red licorice segments only or the black licorice segments only, so that the candy pieces are between the two strands. Holding the ends of the licorice sticks, twist the structure slightly.


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