“人类学是人类在各个领域和各个时期的研究。” – 特里顿学院“人类学是唯一可以获取有关这个星球上整个人类经验的证据的学科。” –  Michael Brian Schiffer“人类学是研究过去和现在的人类文化和生物学。“ – 西肯塔基大学”人类学既易于定义又难以描述;其主题既有异国情调(澳大利亚原住民的婚姻习俗)又司空见惯(结构)人类学家可以研究巴西美洲原住民部落的语言,非洲雨林中猿类的社会生活,或者在他们自己的后院长期消失的文明的遗骸。但是,总是存在一个共同的线索,将这些截然不同的项目联系在一起,并始终是提高我们对自己是谁以及我们如何成为这样的理解的共同目标。从某种意义上说,我们都“做“人类学,因为它植根于一种普遍的人类特征 – 对我们自己和其他人,生活和死亡,在这里和全球的好奇心。” – 路易斯维尔大学“人类学致力于研究人类和人类社会跨越时空存在。它与其他社会科学的区别在于,它集中关注人类历史的全时,以及人类社会和文化的各个方面,包括那些位于世界历史边缘地区的人类社会和文化。因此,它特别适用于社会,文化和生物多样性问题,权力问题,身份和不平等问题,以及对随时间推移的社会,历史,生态和生物变化的动态过程的理解。“ – 斯坦福大学“人类学是科学中最人性化的,也是最科学的人文科学。 “ – 归功于A.L. Kroeber”文化是人类学三明治中的果酱。它无所不在。它被用来区分人类与猿类(“猴子不做的一切”(拉格兰勋爵)),以及表征生物猿和人类的进化衍生行为。它往往既解释了人类进化的不同之处,也解释了它的必要性……它存在于人类的头脑中,表现在行动的产物中。 … [C] ulture被一些人视为基因的等价物,因此可以以无穷无尽的排列和组合加在一起的颗粒单元(模因),而对于其他人来说,它是一个大而不可分割的整体,它具有重要意义。 “换句话说,文化就是人类学的一切,可以说它在这个过程中也变得一无所有。” – 罗伯特弗利和玛莎米拉松拉尔。 “石质地面:岩石技术,人类进化和文化的出现”。进化考古学12:109-122。 “人类学家和他们的线人在制作民族志文本时不可避免地联系在一起,整合了他们独特个性,社会不协调和梦想的影响。”


“Anthropology is the study of humanity in all fields and at all times.” – Triton College “Anthropology is the only discipline that can obtain evidence of the entire human experience on this planet.” – Michael Brian Schiffer “Anthropology is the study of the past And now human culture and biology. “- Western Kentucky University” anthropology is both easy to define and difficult to describe; its theme is both exotic (Australian aboriginal marriage customs) and commonplace (structure) anthropologists can study Brazil America The language of the Aboriginal tribes, the social life of the apes in the African rainforest, or the remains of civilizations that have long disappeared in their own backyard. However, there is always a common thread that links these very different projects and always Is to raise our common goal of who we are and how we become such an understanding. In a sense, we all “do” anthropology because it is rooted in a universal human identity – for ourselves and others People, life and death, here and global curiosity.” – University of Louisville Anthropology is devoted to studying the existence of time and space between humans and human society. It differs from other social sciences in that it focuses on the full-time of human history and all aspects of human society and culture, including those in the margins of world history. And culture. Therefore, it is particularly applicable to social, cultural and biodiversity issues, power issues, identity and inequality issues, and an understanding of the dynamic processes of social, historical, ecological and biological changes over time.” – Stanford University “Anthropology is the most humane and scientific science in science. ” – Thanks to AL Kroeber” culture is a jam in anthropological sandwiches. It is ubiquitous. It is used to distinguish between humans and apes (“monkeys Everything that is not done” (Lord Lagrange), as well as the evolutionary derivative behavior of biota and human beings. It often explains the difference between human evolution and the necessity of it… Exist in the minds of human beings and manifest in the products of action. [C] ulture is regarded by some as the equivalent of genes, This can be an endless arrangement and combination of particle units (memes) that are added together, and for others, it is a large and inseparable whole, which is of great significance. “In other words, culture is human. Everything you learn, you can say that it has become nothing in this process. – Robert Foley and Martha Milason Lal. “Stone Ground: Rock Technology, The Emergence of Human Evolution and Culture.” Evolutionary Archaeology 12: 109-122. “Anthropologists and their informants are making nations.” The texts are inevitably linked together, integrating the influence of their unique personality, social disharmony and dreams. ”


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