全球变暖和气候变化是科学中奇怪的一对 – 你很难听到一个没有提到另一个。但就像围绕气候科学的混乱一样,这一对经常被误解和误用。让我们来看看这两个术语的真正意义,以及如何(尽管它们经常被用作同义词)它们实际上是两个截然不同的事件。对气候变化的错误解释:地球气温的变化(通常是增加)。气候变化的真正定义就像它听起来一样,是长期天气趋势的变化 – 温度升高,降温,降水变化或者是什么。就其本身而言,该短语并未假设气候如何变化,只是变化正在发生。更重要的是,这些变化可能是自然外力的结果(如太阳黑子或米兰科维奇周期的增加或减少);自然的内部过程(如火山爆发或海洋环流的变化);或人为或“人为”效应(如燃烧化石燃料)。同样,“气候变化”这一短语并没有说明改变的原因。对全球变暖的错误解释:由于人为引起的温室气体排放增加而变暖(如碳二氧化碳)。全球变暖描述了地球平均温度随时间的增加。这并不意味着各地的温度都会上升相同的水平。这也不意味着世界上任何地方都会变暖(有些地方可能不会)。它只是意味着当你将地球视为一个整体时,其平均温度正在上升。这种增加可能是由于自然或非自然的力量,例如温室气体的增加,特别是化石燃料的燃烧。可以在地球大气层和海洋中测量加速变暖。全球变暖的证据可见于冰盖退缩,干涸的湖泊,动物栖息地的减少(想想现在臭名昭着的极地冰山),全球气温上升,天气变化,珊瑚褪色,海平面上升和更多。如果气候变化和全球变暖是两个非常不同的东西,为什么我们可以互换使用它们呢?那么,当我们谈论气候变化时,我们通常指的是全球变暖,因为我们的星球目前正以温度上升的形式经历气候变化。正如我们从像“FLOTUS”和“Kimye”这样的名人所知,媒体喜欢将文字融合在一起。使用气候变化和全球变暖作为同义词(即使它在科学上是不正确的!)比使用两者更容易。也许气候变化和全球变暖将在不久的将来得到自己的大都会? “clowarming”声音怎么样?


Global warming and climate change are a strange pair in science – it’s hard to hear one without mentioning the other. But like the chaos surrounding climate science, this pair is often misunderstood and misused. Let’s take a look at the true meaning of these two terms and how (although they are often used as synonyms) they are actually two distinct events. Misinterpretation of climate change: changes in the Earth’s temperature (usually increased). The true definition of climate change is like it sounds like a change in long-term weather trends – rising temperatures, cooling, precipitation changes or what. For its part, the phrase does not assume how the climate changes, but that change is happening. More importantly, these changes may be the result of natural external forces (such as the increase or decrease of the sunspot or Milankovic cycle); natural internal processes (such as volcanic eruptions or changes in the ocean circulation); or artificial or “artificial” Effects (such as burning fossil fuels). Similarly, the phrase “climate change” does not explain the reasons for the change. Misinterpretation of global warming: warming due to increased anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (eg carbon dioxide). Global warming describes the increase in the average temperature of the Earth over time. This does not mean that temperatures everywhere will rise to the same level. This does not mean that there is warming anywhere in the world (some places may not). It simply means that when you think of the earth as a whole, its average temperature is rising. This increase may be due to natural or unnatural forces, such as an increase in greenhouse gases, especially fossil fuels. Accelerated warming can be measured in the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean. Evidence of global warming can be seen in shrinking ice sheets, dry lakes, reduced habitats (think of the now infamous polar icebergs), rising global temperatures, weather changes, coral fading, sea level rise and more. If climate change and global warming are two very different things, why can we use them interchangeably? Well, when we talk about climate change, we usually refer to global warming because our planet is currently experiencing climate change in the form of rising temperatures. As we know from celebrities like “FLOTUS” and “Kimye”, the media like to blend text together. Using climate change and global warming as synonyms (even if it is scientifically incorrect!) is easier than using both. Maybe climate change and global warming will get their own metropolis in the near future? How about the “clowarming” sound?


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