杰文斯的观点与经济学相关,因为法定货币制度提供了比易货贸易更灵活的贸易方式。菲亚特货币是政府指定的纸币。例如,美国承认美元是其货币形式,并且在全国乃至全世界都被接受为法定货币。通过使用资金,消除了对双重巧合的需要。卖家只需找到愿意购买他们产品的人,并且买家不再需要精确销售原始卖家想要的东西。例如,在AmosWEB的例子中销售雨伞的艺术家可能真的需要一套新的画笔。通过接受金钱,她不再仅限于交易她的雨伞,只有那些提供油漆刷的人才能获得回报。她可以利用她从卖伞架上获得的钱购买她需要的画笔。使用资金最重要的好处之一是节省时间。再次以伞架艺术家为例,她不再需要利用时间找到这些精确匹配的贸易伙伴。相反,她可以利用这段时间生产更多伞架或其他以她的设计为特色的产品,从而提高她的工作效率。经济学家阿诺德·克林(Arnold Kling)表示,时间在货币价值方面也起着重要作用。赋予货币价值的部分原因在于其价值随着时间的推移而持续。例如,伞形艺术家不需要立即使用她赚的钱来购买油漆刷或其他任何她可能需要或想要的东西。她可以保留这笔钱,直到她需要或想要花钱,它的价值应该基本相同。


Jevons’s view is related to economics because the fiat currency system provides a more flexible form of trade than barter trade. Fiat currency is a government-designated banknote. For example, the United States recognizes that the US dollar is in its currency and is accepted as legal tender throughout the country and around the world. By using funds, the need for double coincidence is eliminated. The seller only needs to find the person who is willing to buy their product, and the buyer no longer needs to accurately sell what the original seller wants. For example, an artist selling an umbrella in the AmosWEB example might really need a new set of brushes. By accepting money, she is no longer limited to trading her umbrella, only those who provide paint brushes can get a return. She can use the money she gets from the umbrella stand to buy the brush she needs. One of the most important benefits of using funds is to save time. Taking the umbrella stand artist as an example, she no longer needs to use time to find these precisely matched trading partners. Instead, she can use this time to produce more umbrella stands or other products that feature her designs, thereby increasing her productivity. Economist Arnold Kling said that time also plays an important role in the value of money. Part of the reason for giving money value is that its value continues over time. For example, an umbrella artist does not need to immediately use the money she earns to buy a paint brush or anything else she might need or want. She can keep the money until she needs or wants to spend money, and its value should be basically the same.


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