雕像在设计和材料上都唤起了美感。伸出的双臂创造了拉丁十字架的神圣形象 – 一个平衡的比例,不仅令人高兴,而且还引发强烈的情感作为基督教的图像。用于制作基督救世主雕像的建筑材料是浅色的,可以很容易地反射来自太阳,月亮和周围聚光灯的光线。即使你看不到雕塑的细节,白色十字架的图像也总是在那里。雕像是一种现代主义风格,称为装饰艺术,但它与任何文艺复兴时期的宗教人物一样平易近人。在一座非常陡峭的山顶上建造一个大而精致的建筑,这一成就类似于在同一时期建造在芝加哥和纽约市建造的历史性摩天大楼。直到1926年,实际的现场施工才开始,建造了基座和小教堂。在那个基座的顶部竖立了伸展形状的脚手架。工人们通过铁路运输到山上,组装钢筋网,加固混凝土。任何大型结构的大小都给架构带来了“哇”的因素。对于救世主基督雕像,每只手长10.5英尺。数以千计的三角形的皂石镶嵌在钢筋混凝土中。自1931年完工以来,Cristo Redentor一直冒着各种元素,包括几次闪电罢工。设计师计划通过创建内部区域进行持续维护,内部区域设有通往雕像各部分的通道门。在清洁瓷砖的同时,看到像凯驰北美这样的专业清洁公司跨越了一只手。建筑雕像通常具有象征意义,如纽约证券交易所的山形墙或美国最高法院大楼的西部山形墙。雕像通常用作信仰的表达或公司或一群人重视的东西。雕像也被用来象征一个人的生活和工作,例如雷伊信设计的马丁路德金,华盛顿国家纪念馆,DC雕塑可以有多种含义,就像它与基督的救赎主一样 – 的标志十字架永远存在于山顶上,纪念钉十字架,反映上帝之光,上帝强大,慈爱,宽容的人性面孔,以及永远存在的神灵对社区的祝福。对于基督徒来说,耶稣基督的雕像可能不仅仅是一个象征。基督救世主雕像向全世界宣布,里约热内卢是一座基督教城市。如果建筑包含建筑环境中的所有东西,我们会像其他任何结构一样看待这座雕像的目的。它为什么在这里?与其他建筑一样,场地上的位置(其位置)也是一个重要方面。救世主基督的雕像已成为人们的象征性保护者。像耶稣基督一样,雕像保护着城市环境,就像头顶上的屋顶一样。 Cristo Redentor和任何庇护所一样重要。救世主基督为灵魂提供保护


The statue evokes beauty in both design and materials. The outstretched arms create the sacred image of the Latin cross – a balanced proportion that is not only pleasing, but also triggers strong emotions as images of Christianity. The building materials used to make the Christ the Redeemer statue are light-colored and can easily reflect light from the sun, the moon and the surrounding spotlights. Even if you don’t see the details of the sculpture, the image of the white cross is always there. The statue is a modernist style called decorative art, but it is as approachable as any Renaissance religious figure. Building a large, sophisticated building on a very steep hilltop is similar to the historic skyscrapers built in Chicago and New York City during the same period. It was not until 1926 that the actual on-site construction began, and the pedestal and chapel were built. A scaffolding with an extended shape is erected on the top of the base. Workers transported by rail to the mountains, assembled steel mesh, and reinforced concrete. The size of any large structure brings a “wow” factor to the architecture. For the Christ the Redeemer statue, each hand is 10.5 feet long. Thousands of triangular saponites are embedded in reinforced concrete. Since its completion in 1931, Cristo Redentor has been braving various elements, including several lightning strikes. The designer plans to maintain the interior by creating an interior area with access doors leading to the various parts of the statue. While cleaning the tiles, I saw a professional cleaning company like Karcher North America crossing a hand. Architectural statues are often symbolic, such as the gable of the New York Stock Exchange or the western gable of the US Supreme Court Building. Statues are often used as expressions of faith or things that companies or groups of people value. The statue is also used to symbolize a person’s life and work, such as Martin Luther King of Leeds Design, Washington National Memorial, DC sculpture can have many meanings, just like it is the same as Christ’s Redeemer – the sign of the cross is forever It exists on the top of the mountain, commemorating the crucifixion, reflecting the light of God, the mighty face of God, the loving, the tolerant human face, and the blessings of the ever-existing gods to the community. For Christians, the statue of Jesus Christ may be more than just a symbol. The Christ the Redeemer statue announces to the world that Rio de Janeiro is a Christian city. If the building contains everything in the built environment, we will look at the purpose of the statue like any other structure. Why is it here? As with other buildings, the location on the site (its location) is also an important aspect. The statue of Christ the Savior has become a symbolic protector of people. Like Jesus Christ, the statue protects the urban environment, just like the roof above the head. Cristo Redentor is just as important as any shelter. Christ the Savior protects the soul.


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