为了找到世界上最昂贵的学校,我们需要冒险离开美国和整个池塘。私立学校教育是欧洲的传统,许多国家在美国之前数百年就拥有私立院校。事实上,英格兰的学校为今天的许多美国私立学校提供了灵感和模式。瑞士拥有世界上学费最高的几所学校,其中包括最高学位的学校。根据一篇关于MSN Money的文章,这个国家拥有10所学校,学费每年超过75,000美元。世界上最昂贵的私立学校的名称是Institut le Rosey,每年的学费为113,178美元。 Le Rosey是一所寄宿学校,由Paul Carnal于1880年创立。学生在美丽的环境中享受双语(法语和英语)和双文化教育。学生们花时间在两个豪华的校园里:一个在日内瓦湖的罗尔和一个在格施塔德山区的冬季校园。 Rolle校区的接待区位于中世纪城堡内。大约七十英亩的校园包含寄宿公寓(女子校园位于附近),学术建筑有大约50间教室和八个科学实验室,图书馆有30,000册。校园还包括一个剧院,三个用餐室,学生们穿着礼服,两个自助餐厅和一个小教堂。每天早晨,学生们都可以享受真正的瑞士风格的巧克力美食一些学生获得奖学金参加Le Rosey。学校还开展了许多慈善项目,包括在非洲马里建立一所学校,许多学生都是志愿者。在校园里,学生们可以参加各种各样的活动,如飞行课程,高尔夫,骑马和射击。学校的运动设施包括十个红土网球场,一个室内游泳池,一个射击和射箭场,一个温室,一个马术中心和一个帆船中心。学校正在建造由着名建筑师Bernard Tschumi设计的Carnal Hall,其中包括800个座位的礼堂,音乐室和艺术工作室等。据报道,该项目耗资数千万美元建造。


In order to find the most expensive school in the world, we need to venture out of the United States and the entire pond. Private school education is a European tradition, and many countries have private institutions hundreds of years before the United States. In fact, schools in England provide inspiration and patterns for many of today’s private schools in the United States. Switzerland has several schools with the highest tuition fees in the world, including the highest degree schools. According to an article about MSN Money, the country has 10 schools and tuition fees exceed $75,000 a year. The name of the world’s most expensive private school is Institut le Rosey, with an annual tuition fee of $113,178. Le Rosey is a boarding school founded by Paul Carnal in 1880. Students enjoy bilingual (French and English) and bicultural education in a beautiful environment. Students spend time on two luxurious campuses: a loll at Lake Geneva and a winter campus in the Gstaad mountains. The reception area of ​​the Rolle campus is located in the medieval castle. About seventy acres of campuses include boarding houses (women’s campuses are located nearby), academic buildings have about 50 classrooms and eight science laboratories, and the library has 30,000 books. The campus also includes a theater, three dining rooms, students wearing gowns, two cafeterias and a chapel. Every morning, students can enjoy real Swiss-style chocolate cuisine. Some students receive scholarships to attend Le Rosey. The school has also launched a number of charitable projects, including the establishment of a school in Mali, Africa, where many students are volunteers. On campus, students can take part in a variety of activities such as flight courses, golf, horse riding and shooting. The school’s sports facilities include ten clay tennis courts, an indoor pool, a shooting and archery range, a greenhouse, an equestrian center and a sailing center. The school is building Carnal Hall, designed by the famous architect Bernard Tschumi, which includes an 800-seat auditorium, music room and art studio. According to reports, the project cost tens of millions of dollars to build.


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