就像萨尔瓦多·达利在西班牙的别墅一样,抽象表现主义画家杰克逊波洛克(1912-1956)的故乡始于渔民的小屋。这个简单的化合物建于1879年,以风化的棕色和灰色为基础,成为波拉克和他的妻子,现代艺术家李克拉斯纳(1908-1984)的家和工作室。在纽约捐赠者Peggy Guggenheim的资助下,Pollack和Krasner于1945年搬出纽约市到长岛。他们最重要的艺术品在这里完成,在主屋和相邻的谷仓改建成工作室。俯瞰Accabonac Creek,他们的家最初没有管道或热量。随着他们的成功增长,这对夫妇改造了这个大院以适应东汉普顿的泉 – 从外面看,这对夫妇增添的带状疱疹是传统而古雅的,但是已经发现油漆的颜色会渗透到室内空间。也许家庭的外表并不总是内在自我的表达。波洛克 – 克拉斯纳之家和学习中心现在由石溪大学石溪分校拥有,向公众开放。


Like Salvador Dali’s villa in Spain, the home of the abstract expressionist painter Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) began in the fishermen’s hut. Built in 1879, this simple compound is based on weathered brown and grey and became the home and studio of Pollack and his wife, modern artist Li Krasner (1908-1984). Funded by New York donor Peggy Guggenheim, Pollack and Krasner moved out of New York City to Long Island in 1945. Their most important artwork was completed here, and the main house and adjacent barn were converted into studios. Overlooking Accabonac Creek, their home initially had no pipes or heat. As their success grew, the couple remodeled the compound to accommodate the springs of East Hampton – from the outside, the couple added shingles were traditional and quaint, but it has been found that the color of the paint will penetrate interior space. Perhaps the appearance of the family is not always an expression of inner self. The Pollock-Krasna House and Learning Center is now owned by Stony Brook University and is open to the public.



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