民族志研究,也称为民族志,是文化人类学家使用的主要方法。民族志的标志性组成部分是参与者观察,这种方法通常归功于Bronislaw Malinowski。马林诺夫斯基是最有影响力的早期人类学家之一,他早于博阿斯和20世纪早期的美国人类学家。对马林诺夫斯基来说,人类学家的任务是关注日常生活的细节。这需要生活在被研究的社区中 – 被称为现场 – 并完全沉浸在当地环境,文化和实践中。根据马林诺夫斯基的说法,人类学家通过参与观察获得数据,因此参与观察这一术语。马林诺夫斯基在特罗布里恩群岛的早期研究中制定了这种方法,并在其整个职业生涯中继续发展和实施。这些方法随后被博阿斯和博阿斯的学生采用。这种方法成为当代文化人类学的一个特征。虽然文化人类学家的传统形象涉及研究遥远地区偏远社区的研究人员,但现实却更加多样化。二十一世纪的文化人类学家在所有类型的环境中进行研究,并且可以在人类生活的任何地方工作。有些甚至专注于数字(或在线)世界,为当今的虚拟领域调整人种学方法。人类学家在世界各地进行实地考察,有些人甚至在他们的祖国进行实地考察。许多文化人类学家仍然致力于该学科检查权力,不平等和社会组织的历史。当代研究课题包括移民和殖民主义的历史模式对文化表达(例如艺术或音乐)的影响以及艺术在挑战现状和影响社会变革中的作用。


Ethnographic research, also known as ethnography, is the main method used by cultural anthropologists. The iconic component of ethnography is participant observation, which is usually attributed to Bronislaw Malinowski. Malinowski is one of the most influential early anthropologists, he was earlier than Boas and an American anthropologist in the early 20th century. For Malinowski, the task of anthropologists is to pay attention to the details of everyday life. This requires living in the community being studied – known as the site – and completely immersed in the local environment, culture and practice. According to Malinowski, anthropologists participate in observations by participating in observations and thus participating in the observation of this term. Malinowski developed this method in his early research in the Trobrian Islands and continued to develop and implement throughout his career. These methods were subsequently adopted by students at Boas and Boas. This method has become a feature of contemporary cultural anthropology. Although the traditional image of cultural anthropologists involves researchers working in remote communities in remote areas, the reality is more diverse. Cultural anthropologists of the 21st century conduct research in all types of environments and can work anywhere in human life. Some even focus on the digital (or online) world, adapting ethnographic methods to today’s virtual world. Anthropologists conduct field trips around the world, and some even conduct field trips in their home countries. Many cultural anthropologists remain committed to examining the power, inequality and history of social organization in the discipline. Contemporary research topics include the impact of historical patterns of immigration and colonialism on cultural expressions (such as art or music) and the role of art in challenging the status quo and influencing social change.


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