共生发生是一个进化术语,涉及物种之间的合作,以提高它们的生存。由“进化之父”查尔斯达尔文所阐述的自然选择理论的关键是竞争。大多数情况下,他专注于同一物种的人口之间的竞争以求生存。那些具有最有利适应性的人可以更好地竞争食物,住所和配偶,以便繁殖并使下一代的后代能够在其DNA中携带这些特征。达尔文主义依赖于对这些资源的竞争,以便自然选择起作用。如果没有竞争,所有人都能够生存,而环境中的压力永远不会选择有利的适应性。这种竞争也可以应用于物种共同进化的想法。共同进化的通常例子通常涉及捕食者和猎物关系。当猎物变得更快并远离捕食者时,自然选择将开始并选择对捕食者更有利的适应。这些适应性可能是掠食者自己变得更快以跟上猎物,或者更有利的特性可能与掠食者变得更隐蔽,因此他们可以更好地跟踪和伏击他们的猎物。与该物种的其他个体竞争食物将推动这种演变的速度。然而,其他进化科学家断言,它实际上是个体之间的合作,并不总是推动进化的竞争。这种假设被称为共生。将共生体这个词分解成几个部分,可以提供关于含义的线索。前缀sym意味着汇集在一起 。生物当然意味着生命和创世是创造或生产。因此,我们可以得出结论,共生是指将个体聚集在一起以创造生命。这将依赖于个人的合作而不是竞争来推动自然选择和最终的进化速度。也许最着名的共生的例子是由进化科学家Lynn Margulis推广的类似命名的内共生理论。这种关于真核细胞如何从原核细胞进化的解释是目前公认的科学理论。各种原核生物不是竞争,而是共同努力,为所有参与者创造更稳定的生活。较大的原核生物吞噬了较小的原核生物,这些原核生物成为我们现在所知的真核细胞内的各种重要细胞器。类似于蓝细菌的原核生物成为光合生物中的叶绿体,其他原核生物将继续成为线粒体,其中ATP能量在真核细胞中产生。这种合作通过合作而不是竞争推动了真核生物的进化。它很可能是竞争和合作的结合,通过自然选择充分推动了进化速度。虽然一些物种,如人类,可以合作,使整个物种的生活更轻松,因此它可以茁壮成长和生存,其他人,如不同类型的非殖民地细菌,自己去,只与其他个人竞争生存。社会进化在决定合作是否适用于某个群体方面发挥了重要作用,而这种群体又会减少个人之间的竞争。然而,无论是通过合作还是竞争,物种都会通过自然选择随着时间的推移而不断变化。理解为什么物种内的不同个体选择一种或另一种作为其主要操作方式可能有助于深化进化的知识以及它如何在很长一段时间内发生。


Symbiosis is an evolutionary term that involves cooperation between species to enhance their survival. The key to the natural selection theory elaborated by Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, is competition. Most of the time, he focuses on the competition between the populations of the same species in order to survive. Those with the best adaptability can better compete for food, shelter and spouses in order to breed and enable the next generation of offspring to carry these features in their DNA. Darwinism relies on competition for these resources so that natural selection works. If there is no competition, everyone can survive, and the pressure in the environment will never choose favorable adaptability. This competition can also be applied to the idea of the common evolution of species. Common examples of co-evolution usually involve the relationship between predators and prey. When the prey becomes faster and away from the predator, the natural selection will begin and choose a more favorable adaptation to the predator. These adaptations may be that predators themselves become faster to keep up with prey, or that more favorable characteristics may become more subtle with predators, so they can better track and ambush their prey. Competing with other individuals of the species will drive this evolution. However, other evolutionary scientists assert that it is actually a collaboration between individuals and does not always drive evolutionary competition. This assumption is called symbiosis. Breaking the word symbiosis into several parts can provide clues about meaning. The prefix sym means putting together. Biology certainly means that life and creation are creation or production. Therefore, we can conclude that symbiosis refers to bringing individuals together to create life. This will depend on individual cooperation rather than competition to drive natural selection and eventual evolution. Perhaps the most famous example of symbiosis is the similarly named internal symbiosis theory promoted by evolutionary scientist Lynn Margulis. This interpretation of how eukaryotic cells evolve from prokaryotic cells is currently recognized as a scientific theory. Instead of competing, various prokaryotes work together to create a more stable life for all participants. Larger prokaryotes engulf smaller prokaryotes, which become important organelles in eukaryotic cells that we now know. Prokaryotes similar to cyanobacteria become chloroplasts in photosynthetic organisms, and other prokaryotes will continue to be mitochondria, in which ATP energy is produced in eukaryotic cells. This cooperation promotes the evolution of eukaryotes through cooperation rather than competition. It is likely to be a combination of competition and cooperation that fully promotes the speed of evolution through natural selection. Although some species, such as humans, can work together to make life easier for the entire species, it can thrive and survive. Others, such as different types of non-colonial bacteria, go by themselves and compete only with other individuals to survive. Social evolution plays an important role in determining whether a partnership applies to a group, which in turn reduces competition among individuals. However, whether through cooperation or competition, species will change over time through natural selection. Understanding why different individuals within a species choose one or the other as their primary mode of operation may help deepen the knowledge of evolution and how it will occur over a long period of time.


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