如果你不能与人交谈并仍然保持朋友,你就是一个党派。关于它没有两种方法。如果你不能谈论政治,如果谈话没有以伤痕累累的自负和伤害感情结束,那么你就是一个党派。如果你无法看到问题的另一面并突然从餐桌上掀起风暴,那么你就是一个党派。寻求内心的平静。并理解这一点:你对一切都不对。没有人是。党派的同义词是理论家。如果你是一个理论家,那就意味着你是一个坚持意识形态的坚持者。你不喜欢妥协。而你可能很难与之交谈。如果你没有做功课就出现在投票站,并且每次拉直票的杠杆,那你就是党派。事实上,你将党派的定义与T匹配:对政党表现出“盲目,偏见和无理的效忠”的人。如果你不想成为一个党派,这里有一个方便的指南,你需要知道为准备选举日。提示:投票给最好的候选人,而不是派对。观看MSNBC或FOX News没什么不对。但让我们称之为它:你正在选择支持你的世界观的新闻和信息来源。如果你倾斜升力,你可能正在观看MSNBC上的Rachel Maddow。而且只有MSNBC。如果你向右倾斜,你会调到Sean Hannity和FOX,然后调整剩下的部分。而且,是的,如果你这样做,你就是一个党派。好。公平地说,支持党派是一些人的工作。那些人恰好在政治舞台上工作。也就是说,各方自己。如果你是共和党全国委员会的主席或你家乡的共和党组织,那么它就是一个党派的职责。这就是为什么你有这份工作:支持你们党的候选人并让他们当选。陈述总统哈里杜鲁门:“政治中从来没有一个无党派人士。一个人不能成为一个无党派,在政党中有效。当他在任何一方时,他都是党派。他必须成为。”


If you can’t talk to people and still keep friends, you are a party. There are no two ways to do it. If you can’t talk about politics, if the conversation ends without scarred self-confidence and hurtful feelings, then you are a party. If you can’t see the other side of the problem and suddenly pick up the storm from the table, then you are a party. Seek inner peace. And understand this: you are not right about everything. No one is. The synonym of the party is theorist. If you are a theorist, it means that you are a persistent adherence to ideology. You don’t like to compromise. And you may have a hard time talking to it. If you do not do your homework and appear in the polling station, and each time you pull the ticket leverage, then you are a party. In fact, you match the definition of the party with T: the person who shows “blind, prejudiced and unreasonable allegiance” to the party. If you don’t want to be a party, here’s a handy guide that you need to know to prepare for the election day. Tip: Vote for the best candidate, not a party. There is nothing wrong with watching MSNBC or FOX News. But let’s call it: You are choosing the source of news and information that supports your worldview. If you tilt your lift, you might be watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. And only MSNBC. If you tilt to the right, you will adjust to Sean Hannity and FOX, then adjust the rest. And, yes, if you do, you are a party. it is good. To be fair, supporting the party is the job of some people. Those people happen to work on the political stage. In other words, the parties themselves. If you are the chairman of the Republican National Committee or the Republican organization in your hometown, then it is a partisan. That’s why you have the job: support your party’s candidates and let them be elected. State President Harry Truman: “There has never been a non-party in politics. A person cannot be a non-partisan and is effective in a political party. When he is on either side, he is a party. He must be.”


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