阿尔伯特·埃利斯(Albert Ellis)是接受过心理分析传统培训的临床心理学家,但他开始感到心理分析疗法无法有效地帮助他的患者。他观察到,尽管这种方法可以揭示患者所要解决的问题,但并不能帮助他们真正改变对这些问题的反应。这导致Ellis在1950年代开始开发自己的治疗系统。在这个过程中,有很多因素影响了他。首先,埃利斯(Ellis)对哲学的兴趣发挥了重要作用。尤其是,埃利斯受到Epictetus的宣言的启发:“人们不是被事物打扰,而是被他们对事物的看法所打扰。”其次,埃利斯借鉴了著名心理学家的思想,包括卡伦·霍尼(Karen Horney)的“应有专制”概念以及阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒(Alfred Adler)的建议是,一个人的行为是他们观点的结果。最后,埃利斯(Ellis)建立在一般语义学家的工作之上,他们认为粗心的语言使用会影响我们的感觉和行为。


Albert Ellis, a clinical psychologist who has received traditional training in psychoanalysis, began to feel that psychoanalytic therapy was not effective in helping his patients. He observed that although this method can reveal the problems that patients have to solve, it does not help them to truly change their response to these problems. This led Ellis to develop his own treatment system in the 1950s. In the process, there are many factors that affect him. First, Ellis’s interest in philosophy played an important role. In particular, Ellis was inspired by Epicttus’s declaration: “People are not bothered by things, but by their perception of things.” Second, Ellis draws on the ideas of famous psychologists, including Karen. Karen Horney’s concept of “should be authoritarian” and Alfred Adler’s suggestion is that one’s actions are the result of their opinions. Finally, Ellis is built on the work of general semantics who believe that careless language usage can affect our feelings and behavior. �|



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