社会学的想象力是能够从我们日常生活的熟悉程序中“思考自己”,以新鲜,批判的眼光看待它们。 C.赖特米尔斯创造了这个概念,并写了一本关于它的书,将社会学想象定义为“对经验与更广泛社会之间关系的生动意识。”社会学想象力是在社会上看待事物以及如何相互作用的能力。为了具有社会学的想象力,一个人必须能够脱离形势,从另一种观点进行思考。这种能力是一个人发展社会学世界观的核心。社会学想象力是一本由社会学家C. Wright Mills撰写并于1959年出版的书。他写这本书的目的是试图调和社会现实的两个不同的抽象概念 – “个人”和“社会”。在这样做时,米尔斯挑战了社会学中的主导思想,并批评了一些最基本的术语和定义。而米尔斯的作品当时并不受到他的专业和人士的欢迎最具声望,社会学想象力是当今最广泛阅读的社会学书籍之一,也是美国本科课程的主要内容。米尔斯通过对当时社会学趋势的批评打开这本书,然后继续解释社会学。它:一个必要的政治和历史专业。他批评的焦点在于,当时的学术社会学家经常在支持精英主义的态度和观念以及重现不公正的现状方面发挥作用。或者,米尔斯提出了他理想的社会学实践版本,这取决于认识到个人经历和世界观如何成为他们所处历史背景和个人存在的日常直接环境的产物的重要性。


The imagination of sociology is to be able to “think about yourself” from the familiar procedures of our daily lives and to look at them in a fresh, critical light. C. Wright Mills coined this concept and wrote a book about it, defining sociological imagination as “a vivid sense of the relationship between experience and the wider society.” Sociological imagination is in society. The ability to look at things and how they interact. In order to have a sociological imagination, one must be able to move away from the situation and think from another perspective. This ability is at the heart of a person’s development of a sociological worldview. The sociological imagination is a book written by sociologist C. Wright Mills and published in 1959. The purpose of his writing is to try to reconcile two different abstract concepts of social reality – “individual” and “social.” In doing so, Mills challenged the dominant ideas in sociology and criticized some of the most basic terms and definitions. Mills’s work was not popular with his profession and people at the time. The sociological imagination is one of the most widely read sociology books today, and the main content of American undergraduate courses. Mills opened the book by criticizing the sociological trends of the time and then continued to explain sociology. It: a necessary political and historical profession. The focus of his criticism was that academic sociologists at the time often played a role in supporting elitist attitudes and attitudes and recreating the status quo of injustice. Alternatively, Mills proposed his ideal sociological practice version, depending on the importance of recognizing how personal experiences and worldviews are the product of their historical background and the daily direct environment of personal existence.


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