相当稀少的动物种群包括30种哺乳动物,55种爬行动物和两栖动物(包括濒危的log龟)和300多只鸟。 根据最近的DNA研究,一个不寻常的人群是野马,大约135匹马来自逃脱的田纳西州步行者,美国季马,阿拉伯人和帕索菲诺。 牛群是美国唯一一个根本无法管理的牛群 – 不是由兽医喂养,浇水或检查。 弗雷德里卡堡国家纪念碑位于佐治亚州东南大西洋沿岸的圣西蒙斯岛上。 该公园保存了18世纪堡垒的考古遗迹,该堡垒是为了保护英国殖民地免受西班牙人袭击而建造的,以及为英国人保卫格鲁吉亚的战斗遗址。


A fairly rare animal population includes 30 mammals, 55 reptiles and amphibians (including endangered log turtles) and more than 300 birds. According to recent DNA research, an unusual crowd is the Mustang, with approximately 135 horses from the escaped Tennessee Pacers, American Quarter Horse, Arabs and Paso Fino. The herd is the only herd in the United States that is simply unmanageable – not fed, watered or inspected by a veterinarian. Fort Frederica National Monument is located on St. Simons Island on the southeast Atlantic coast of Georgia. The park preserves the archaeological remains of an 18th-century fortress built to protect the British colonies from Spanish attacks and to defend the Georgian battle sites for the British.



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