光的波长(与频率和能量有关)决定了感知的颜色。这些不同颜色的范围列于下表。有些源极显著地改变了这些范围,并且当它们相互混合时,它们的边界有些近似。可见光谱的边缘与紫外线和红外辐射水平混合。我们与之相互作用的大多数光是白光的形式,白光中包含许多或所有这些波长范围。通过棱镜闪烁的白光由于光的折射,使波长以稍微不同的角度弯曲。因此,所得到的光在可见光谱上分裂。这就是造成彩虹的原因,空气中携带的水颗粒作为折射介质。红色、橙色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、靛蓝(蓝色/紫色边界)和紫色的助记符“Roy G.Biv”可以记住波长的顺序。如果你仔细观察彩虹或光谱,你会发现青色在绿色和蓝色之间也显得相当明显。值得注意的是,大多数人无法区分靛蓝和紫色,所以许多彩色图表完全省略了它。通过使用特殊的光源、折射器和滤光片,可以获得波长约为10纳米的窄带,这被认为是单色光。激光之所以特别,是因为它们是我们能够得到的最一致的窄单色光源。由单一波长组成的颜色称为光谱色或纯色。人类的眼睛和大脑,比光谱的颜色更能分辨颜色。紫色和品红色是大脑弥合红色和紫色之间鸿沟的方法。不饱和的颜色,如粉色和水色,也可以区分,以及棕色和棕色。然而,有些动物具有不同的可见范围,通常延伸到红外范围(波长大于700纳米)或紫外线(波长小于380纳米)。例如,蜜蜂可以看到紫外线,这是花朵用来吸引授粉者。鸟类也可以看到紫外线,在黑色(紫外线)光下可以看到斑点。在人类中,眼睛能看到红色和紫色的距离是不同的。大多数能看见紫外线的动物都看不见红外线。


The wavelength of light (related to frequency and energy) determines the perceived color. The range of these different colors is listed in the table below. Some sources dramatically change these ranges, and when they mix with each other, their boundaries are somewhat similar. The edges of the visible spectrum mix with the levels of ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Most of the light we interact with is in the form of white light, which contains many or all of these wavelength ranges. The white light flashing through a prism bends the wavelength at slightly different angles due to the refraction of light. Therefore, the resulting light splits in the visible spectrum. That’s why rainbows are created. Water particles carried in the air act as refractive media. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (blue/purple border) and purple mnemonic “Roy G. Biv” can remember the order of wavelength. If you look closely at the rainbow or spectrum, you will find that the blue color is also quite obvious between green and blue. It is noteworthy that most people cannot distinguish indigo from purple, so many color charts completely omit it. By using special light sources, refractors and filters, narrow bands with a wavelength of about 10 nanometers can be obtained, which is considered monochromatic light. Lasers are special because they are the narrowest monochrome light source we can get. The color consisting of a single wavelength is called spectral color or pure color. Human eyes and brains can distinguish colors better than spectral colors. Purple and magenta are ways for the brain to bridge the gap between red and purple. Unsaturated colors, such as pink and water, can also be distinguished, as well as brown and brown. However, some animals have different visible ranges, usually extending to infrared (wavelength greater than 700 nanometers) or ultraviolet (wavelength less than 380 nanometers). For example, bees can see ultraviolet light, which flowers use to attract pollinators. Birds can also see ultraviolet light, and spots can be seen in black (ultraviolet) light. In humans, the distance between red and purple is different. Most animals that can see ultraviolet rays can’t see infrared rays.


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