Kossinna认为,考古学中只有四个合法的研究领域:日耳曼部落的历史,日耳曼民族的起源和神秘的印度 – 日耳曼家园,对东日耳曼和西日耳曼群体的语言分裂的考古验证,以及区分日耳曼和凯尔特部落之间。纳粹政权一开始,该领域的缩小就成了现实。 Kossinna的哲学思想坚持Kulturkreis理论,该理论在物质文化的基础上确定了具有特定种族群体的地理区域,为纳粹德国的扩张主义政策提供了理论上的支持。 Kossinna建立了无可争议的巨大的考古材料知识,部分是通过精心记录几个欧洲国家博物馆的史前文物。他最着名的作品是1921年的德国史前史:一个先前的国家纪律。他最臭名昭着的作品是在第一次世界大战结束时出版的一本小册子,就在新的波兰国家从德国奥斯特马克雕刻出来之后。在其中,Kossinna认为在维斯瓦河周围的波兰遗址中发现的波美拉尼亚面孔是日耳曼民族传统,因此波兰属于德国。


Kossinna believes that there are only four legal fields of study in archaeology: the history of the Germanic tribe, the origins of the Germanic people and the mysterious Indian-Germanic homeland, the archaeological verification of the linguistic divisions of the East Germanic and West Germanic groups, and the distinction between Germanic and Kay Between the tribes. At the beginning of the Nazi regime, the narrowing of the field became a reality. Kossinna’s philosophical thought adheres to the Kulturkreis theory, which determines the geographical area of ​​a particular ethnic group based on material culture and provides theoretical support for Nazi Germany’s expansionist policy. Kossinna has built an undisputed knowledge of the vast archaeological material, in part through careful recording of prehistoric artifacts from several European national museums. His most famous work is the 1921 German prehistoric history: a previous national discipline. His most notorious work was a booklet published at the end of the First World War, after the new Polish state was carved from Ostermark, Germany. Among them, Kossinna believes that the Pomeranian face found in the Polish ruins around the Vistula River is a Germanic national tradition, so Poland belongs to Germany.



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