根据美国人口普查局的数据,2016年美国平均家庭税前收入近75,000美元,但最终花了大部分钱。 实际上,在减去其在税收,必要的商品和服务以及可随意购买的商品上支付的所有钱之后,美国普通家庭的平均支出超过其收入的90%。 从其74,664美元的年度税前收入中减去所有税收和其他支出后,美国家庭的平均剩余资金为6,863美元。 但是,由于未从税前收入中减去支付给消费者债务(如信用卡和汽车贷款)的利息,因此,普通家庭用于储蓄或可支配支出的金额通常远低于此。 因此,请小心使用塑料。


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average U.S. household income before tax in 2016 was nearly $ 75,000, but it ended up spending most of it. In fact, after deducting all the money it pays on taxes, necessary goods and services, and free-to-buy goods, the average American household spends more than 90% of its income. After subtracting all taxes and other expenses from its annual income before tax of $ 74,664, the average US household has $ 6,863 in remaining funds. However, because the interest paid to consumer debt, such as credit cards and car loans, is not subtracted from pre-tax income, the amount that ordinary households spend on savings or disposable expenses is usually much lower. Therefore, use plastic with care.



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