打印钱比打印钱更多的问题是什么?事实上,印刷货币进入流通的方式是,美联储购买债券,从而获得资金进入经济体?什么是通过印钞票导致通货膨胀的合理兔子踪迹?以这种方式解决通货紧缩是否适用于今天的低利率?为什么或者为什么不?自2001年左右以来,通货紧缩一直是一个热门话题,对通货紧缩的担忧似乎不会很快消退。这篇关于为什么货币具有价值的文章解释了当货币变得相对不如货物价值时,通货膨通货紧缩恰恰相反,随着时间的推移,货币变得比经济中的其他货物更有价值。遵循那篇文章的逻辑。在我们决定美联储应该增加货币供应量之前,我们必须确定通货紧缩存在多少问题以及美联储如何影响货币供应量。首先,我们将看看通货紧缩造成的问题。大多数经济学家都认为,通货紧缩既是一种疾病,也是经济中其他问题的症状。在“通货紧缩:好,坏,丑”中,资本主义杂志的唐·拉斯金(Don Luskin)研究了詹姆斯·保尔森(James Paulsen)对“良好的通货紧缩”和“通货紧缩”的区分。保尔森的定义显然将通货紧缩视为经济其他变化的一种表现。他描述了“良好的通货紧缩”,因为企业“能够以降低成本和提高效率的方式不断以低价和低价生产商品”。在我们列出导致通货紧缩的四个因素的清单上,这只是因素2“其他货物的供应上升”。保尔森称这是“良好的通货紧缩”,因为它允许“GDP增长保持强劲,利润增长飙升,失业率下降而没有通胀后果”。


What is the problem of printing money more than printing money? In fact, the way in which printed money enters circulation is that the Fed buys bonds and thus gets funds into the economy. What is a reasonable rabbit trail that causes inflation by printing money? Is deflation in this way applicable to today’s low interest rates? Why or why not? Deflation has been a hot topic since around 2001, and concerns about deflation do not seem to fade quickly. This article on why money has value explains that when money becomes relatively inferior to the value of goods, inflation is just the opposite. Over time, money becomes more valuable than other goods in the economy. Follow the logic of that article. Before we decide that the Fed should increase the money supply, we must determine how much deflation exists and how the Fed affects the money supply. First, we will look at the problems caused by deflation. Most economists believe that deflation is both a disease and a symptom of other problems in the economy. In “deflation: good, bad, ugly,” Don Luskin of Capitalism magazine studied James Paulsen’s “good deflation” and “deflation.” distinguish. Paulson’s definition clearly sees deflation as a manifestation of other changes in the economy. He described “good deflation” because companies “can continue to produce goods at low and low prices in a way that reduces costs and increases efficiency.” On the list of the four factors that led to deflation, this is only factor 2, “The supply of other goods has risen”. Paulson called this “good deflation” because it allowed “GDP growth to remain strong, profit growth soar, unemployment to fall without inflation.”


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