新西兰林肯大学生物学 Essay:如何使用糖果制作DNA模型

将红色和黑色甘草棒,彩色棉花糖或软糖熊,牙签,针,绳子和剪刀聚集在一起。为有色棉花糖或芋头熊指定名称以代表核苷酸碱基。应该有四种不同的颜色,每种颜色代表腺嘌呤,胞嘧啶,鸟嘌呤或胸腺嘧啶。为彩色甘草片指定名称,一种颜色代表戊糖分子,另一种代表磷酸分子。用剪刀将甘草切成1英寸的块。使用针头,将一半的甘草片一起在黑色和红色片之间纵向交替。 对剩余的甘草块重复该过程,以创建总共两个相等长度的林分。使用牙签将两种不同颜色的棉花糖或软糖熊连接在一起。将牙签与糖果仅连接到红色甘草片段或仅与黑色甘草片段连接,以便糖果块在两股之间。握住甘草棒的末端,稍微扭转结构。 新西兰林肯大学生物学 Essay:如何使用糖果制作DNA模型 Gather together red and black licorice sticks, colored marshmallows or gummy bears, toothpicks, needle, string, and scissors. Assign names to the colored marshmallows or gummie bears to represent nucleotide bases. There should be four different colors each representing either adenine, cytosine, guanine or thymine. Assign names to the colored licorice pieces with one color representing the pentose sugar molecule and the other representing the phosphate molecule. Use the scissors to cut the licorice into 1 inch pieces. Using the needle, string half of the licorice pieces together lengthwise alternating between the black and red pieces. Repeat the procedure for the remaining licorice pieces to create a total of two stands of equal length. Connect two different colored marshmallows or gummy bears together using the toothpicks. Connect the toothpicks with the candy to either the red licorice segments only or the black licorice segments only, so that the candy pieces are between the two strands. Holding the ends of the...
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澳洲詹姆斯库克大学 Essay代写:关于真菌

真菌是真核生物,如植物和动物。与植物不同,它们不进行光合作用,它们的细胞壁中含有几丁质。像动物一样,真菌是异养生物,这意味着它们通过吸收它们来获得营养。虽然大多数人认为动物和真菌之间的区别在于真菌是不动的,但是一些真菌是运动的。真正的区别在于真菌在细胞壁中含有一种叫做β-葡聚糖的分子。虽然所有真菌都具有一些共同特征,但它们可以分组。然而,研究真菌的科学家(真菌学家)不同意最佳的分类结构。一个简单的外行人的分类是将它们分为蘑菇,酵母和霉菌。科学家们倾向于认识到真菌的七个subkingdoms或phyla。过去,真菌根据其生理,形状和颜色进行分类。现代系统依靠分子遗传学和繁殖策略对它们进行分组。请记住,以下门不是一成不变的。真菌学家甚至不同意物种的名称! 澳洲詹姆斯库克大学 Essay代写:詹姆斯库克大学 Fungi are eukaryotic organisms, like plants and animals. Unlike plants, they don't perform photosynthesis and they have chitin in their cell walls. Like animals, fungi are heterotrophs, which means they get their nutrients by absorbing them. Although most people think the difference between animals and fungi is that fungi are immobile, some fungi are motile. The real difference is that fungi contain a molecule called beta glucan in their cell walls. While all fungi share some common characteristics, they can be broken into groups. However, scientists who study fungi (mycologists) disagree on the best taxonomic structure. A simple layman's classification is to divide them into mushrooms, yeast, and molds. Scientists tend to recognize seven subkingdoms or phyla of fungi. In the past, fungi were classified according to their physiology, shape, and color. Modern systems rely on molecular genetics and reproductive strategies to group them. Keep in mind, the following phyla aren't set in stone. Mycologists even disagree about the...
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澳洲塔斯马尼亚大学 Assignment代写:主动免疫和被动免疫介绍

这种防御系统可以抵御特定的威胁,例如特定的细菌,病毒,朊病毒和霉菌。针对一种病原体起作用的特定防御通常不会对另一种病原体起作用。特定免疫力的一个例子是来自暴露或疫苗的抗性水痘。另一种分组免疫反应的方法是:先天免疫 - 一种遗传或基于遗传易感性的天然免疫。这种免疫力可以防止从出生到死亡。先天免疫包括外部防御(第一道防线)和内部防御(第二道防线)。内部防御包括发烧,补体系统,自然杀伤(NK)细胞,炎症,吞噬细胞和干扰素。先天免疫也被称为遗传免疫或家族免疫。获得性免疫 - 获得性或适应性免疫是身体的第三道防线。这是针对特定类型病原体的保护。获得性免疫可以是天然的或人为的。天然和人工免疫都具有被动和有源部件。主动免疫是由感染或免疫引起的,而被动免疫来自天然或人工获得抗体。让我们仔细看看主动和被动免疫以及它们之间的差异。 澳洲塔斯马尼亚大学 Assignment代写:主动免疫和被动免疫介绍 This line of defenses is active against particular threats, such as particular bacteria, viruses, prions, and mold. A specific defense that acts against one pathogen usually isn't active against a different one. An example of specific immunity is resistance chicken pox either from exposure or a vaccine. Another way to group immune responses is: Innate Immunity - A type of natural immunity that is inherited or based on genetic predisposition. This type of immunity confers protection from birth until death. Innate immunity consists of external defenses (the first line of defense) and internal defenses (second line of defense). Internal defenses include fever, the complement system, natural killer (NK) cells, inflammation, phagocytes, and interferon. Innate immunity is also known as genetic immunity or familial immunity. Acquired Immunity - Acquired or adaptive immunity is the body's third line of defense. This is protection against specific types of pathogens. Acquired immunity may be either natural or artificial in...
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当爱因斯坦创造他的广义相对论时,早期的分析表明它创造了一个不稳定的宇宙 - 膨胀或收缩 - 而不是一直被假设的静态宇宙。爱因斯坦也对静态宇宙持有这种假设,因此他在他的广义相对论场方程中引入了一个称为宇宙常数的术语,其目的是将宇宙保持在静态状态。然而,当埃德温·哈勃发现有证据表明遥远的星系实际上是从各个方向远离地球时,科学家(包括爱因斯坦)意识到宇宙似乎并不是静态的,而且这个术语被删除了。稳态理论詹姆斯·牛仔爵士(Sir James Jeans)在20世纪20年代首次提出这个问题,但它在1948年得到了推动,当时由弗雷德霍伊尔,托马斯戈尔德和赫尔曼邦迪重新制定。 (有一个虚构的故事,他们在观看了电影“死亡的夜晚”之后想出了这个理论,它完全按照它的开始结束。)霍伊尔特别成为该理论的主要支持者,特别是反对大爆炸理论。事实上,在英国的一个电台广播节目中,霍伊尔在某种程度上嘲笑“爆炸”一词,以解释对立的理论。 澳洲中央昆士兰大学Essay代写:宇宙学中的稳态理论 When Einstein created his theory of general relativity, early analysis showed that it created a universe that was unstable—expanding or contracting—rather than the static universe that had always been assumed. Einstein also held this assumption about a static universe, so he introduced a term into his general relativity field equations called the cosmological constant, which served the purpose of holding the universe in a static state. However, when Edwin Hubble discovered evidence that distant galaxies were, in fact, expanding away from the Earth in all directions, scientists (including Einstein) realized that the universe didn't seem to be static and the term was removed. Steady state theory was first proposed by Sir James Jeans in the 1920s, but it really got a boost in 1948, when it was reformulated by Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold, and Hermann Bondi. (There is an apocryphal story that they came up with the theory after watching the film Dead...
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很久以前,在一个不再存在的星云中,我们新生的行星受到了巨大的撞击,如此精力充沛,它融化了行星的一部分和撞击器,并形成了一个旋转的熔化的水珠。热熔岩石的旋转盘转得如此之快,以至于很难分辨出行星与磁盘之间的区别。这个对象被称为“synestia”,并且理解它的形成可能会对行星形成过程产生新的见解。行星诞生的synestia阶段听起来像奇怪的科幻电影,但它可能是世界形成的自然步骤。在太阳系的大部分行星的诞生过程中很可能发生过几次,特别是水星,金星,地球和火星的岩石世界。这是一个名为“吸积”的过程的一部分,在这个过程中,一个称为原行星盘的星球上的小块岩石撞在一起,形成更大的物体,称为星子。星子撞在一起制造行星。这些影响会释放出巨大的能量,从而转化为足够的热量来融化岩石。随着世界变得越来越大,它们的引力有助于将它们结合在一起并最终起到“四舍五入”形状的作用。较小的世界(如卫星)也可以形成相同的方式。 澳洲昆士兰理工大学Essay代写:作为一个地球形式会发生什么? A long time ago, in a nebula that no longer exists, our newborn planet was hit with a giant impact so energetic that it melted part of the planet and the impactor and created a spinning molten glob. That whirling disk of hot melted rock was turning so fast that from the outside it would have been difficult to tell the difference between the planet and the disk. This object is called a "synestia" and understanding how it formed may lead to new insights into the process of planetary formation. The synestia phase of a planet's birth sounds like something out of weird science fiction movie, but it may be a natural step in the formation of worlds. It very likely happened several times during the birth process for most of the planets in our solar system, particularly the rocky worlds of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. It's all part of a process called "accretion", where smaller chunks of rock...
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来自所有国家的太空旅行者必须接受大学教育,并有各自领域的专业经验,作为加入航天局的先决条件。无论是商业飞行还是军事飞行,飞行员和指挥官仍然有广泛的飞行经验。有些人来自试飞员背景。通常,宇航员具有科学家的背景,而且许多人拥有高水平的学位,如博士学位。其他人有军事训练或航天工业专业知识。无论他们的背景如何,一旦宇航员被接纳进入一个国家的太空计划,他或她就会接受严格的训练,以便在太空生活和工作。大多数宇航员学会驾驶飞机(如果他们还不知道如何)。他们还花了很多时间在“模型”培训师工作,特别是如果他们要在国际空间站上工作。乘坐联盟号火箭和太空舱的宇航员训练那些模型并学习说俄语。所有宇航员候选人都会在紧急情况下学习急救和医疗护理的基本知识,并培训使用专门的仪器进行安全的舱外活动。然而,并非所有的培训师和模型都是如此。宇航员学员在课堂上花费了大量时间,学习他们将要使用的系统,以及他们将在太空进行的实验背后的科学。一旦选择宇航员执行特定任务,他或她就会进行密集的工作,学习其复杂性以及如何使其工作(或者在出现问题时进行修复)。哈勃太空望远镜的维修任务,国际空间站的建设工作以及太空中的许​​多其他活动都是通过每个所涉及的宇航员进行非常彻底和紧张的工作,学习系统和排练他们的工作多年来实现的。他们的使命。 澳洲阿德莱德大学Essay代写:宇航员如何训练 Spacefarers from all countries are required to have college educations, along with professional experience in their fields as a prerequisite to joining a space agency. Pilots and commanders are still expected to have extensive flying experience whether in commercial or military flight. Some come from test-pilot backgrounds. Often, astronauts have a background as scientists and many have high-level degrees, like Ph.Ds. Others have military training or space industry expertise. Regardless of their background, once an astronaut is accepted into a country's space program, he or she goes through rigorous training to actually live and work in space. Most astronauts learn to fly aircraft (if they don't already know how). They also spend a lot of time working in "mockup" trainers, particularly if they're going to be working aboard the International Space Station. Astronauts flying aboard the Soyuz rockets and capsules train those mockups and learn to speak Russian. All astronaut candidates learn the rudiments of first aid and medical care,...
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科学思想的根本变化是什么?它们是如何产生的?通过基本思想的突变导致提出新问题,新问题被看到,满意解释的新标准取代旧问题,在启动变革方面发挥了什么作用?数学和实验仪器中新技术发明的作用是什么;通过纯数学的发展;通过改进测量;通过将思想,方法和信息从一个研究领域转移到另一个领域?在科学成就之前对科学方法和概念的描述和使用有何意义?在不同的科学中,解释的方法和概念有何不同?语言如何在改变科学背景下发生变化?哪些部分有机会和个人特质在发现中发挥作用?如何在一般观念和思想动机的背景下定位科学变革,以及在多大程度上科学信仰赋予理论他们说服力的能力? ......在动机和机遇的社会背景下,科学和技术变革如何定位?工业,商业,战争,医学和艺术,政府和私人投资,宗教,不同国家和社会制度的需求对整个社会的科学活动有何价值?科学,技术和医学面临的外部社会,经济和政治压力是什么?在现代社会中创造科学和技术进步所需的金钱和机会是什么? (Crombie,1963,p.10) 澳洲拉筹伯大学Essay代写:科学史与科学变革 What were the essential changes in scientific thought and how were they brought about? What was the part played in the initiation of change by mutations in fundamental ideas leading to new questions being asked, new problems being seen, new criteria of satisfactory explanation replacing the old? What was the part played by new technical inventions in mathematics and experimental apparatus; by developments in pure mathematics; by the refinements of measurement; by the transference of ideas, methods and information from one field of study to another? What significance can be given to the description and use of scientific methods and concepts in advance of scientific achievement? How have methods and concepts of explanation differed in different sciences? How has language changed in changing scientific contexts? What parts have chance and personal idiosyncrasy played in discovery? How have scientific changes been located in the context of general ideas and intellectual motives, and to what extent have extra-scientific beliefs given...
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如上所述,或许在谈到特定的环境伦理时必须提出的最基本的问题是,我们对自然环境有什么义务?如果答案仅仅是我们作为人类,如果我们不限制我们对自然的行为就会灭亡,那么这种伦理被认为是“人类中心主义”。人类中心主义的字面意思是“以人为中心”,在某种意义上说,所有道德必须被视为人类中心主义。毕竟,据我们所知,只有人类可以推理和反思道德问题,从而使所有道德辩论都明确地“以人为本”。然而,在环境伦理中,人类中心主义通常意味着更多的东西。它通常指的是一种仅为人类赋予“道德立场”的道德框架。因此,一种以人类为中心的伦理主张只有人类在道德上本身就具有相当大的意义,这意味着我们拥有的所有直接道德义务,包括我们对环境的所有义务,都归于我们的同胞。虽然西方哲学的历史由这种人类中心主义主导,但它受到了许多环境伦理学家的大量攻击。这些思想家声称道德必须超越人类,道德地位应该与非人类自然世界相提并论。有些人声称,这种延伸应该适用于有感知的动物,其他应该适用于个体生物,还有一些适用于河流,物种和生态系统等整体实体。在这些道德规范下,我们对环境有义务,因为我们实际上欠环境中的生物或实体本身。确定我们的环境义务是否建立在人类中心主义或非人类中心主义推理的基础上,将导致对这些义务的不同描述。本节探讨了环境伦理中道德立场的重要说明,以及各自的含义。 澳洲阿德莱德大学Assignment代写:扩大道德立场 As noted above, perhaps the most fundamental question that must be asked when regarding a particular environmental ethic is simply, what obligations do we have concerning the natural environment? If the answer is simply that we, as human beings, will perish if we do not constrain our actions towards nature, then that ethic is considered to be “anthropocentric.” Anthropocentrism literally means “human-centeredness,” and in one sense all ethics must be considered anthropocentric. After all, as far as we know, only human beings can reason about and reflect upon ethical matters, thus giving all moral debate a definite “human-centeredness.” However, within environmental ethics anthropocentrism usually means something more than this. It usually refers to an ethical framework that grants “moral standing” solely to human beings. Thus, an anthropocentric ethic claims that only human beings are morally considerable in their own right, meaning that all the direct moral obligations we possess, including those we have with regard to the environment, are owed...
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澳大利亚国立大学Assignment代写:ARM Mac部件Deux:减少混乱

到目前为止,如此清晰:卡车将被一小部分人群用于需要更大,更大的机身和特殊器官的用途。如果有一个像2019年Mac Pro这样的东西,它的外形和模块化是很可能在ARM转型中幸存下来。就像我的大屏幕iMac一样。当我们转向iPad时,视野并不那么清晰。苹果公司的“汽车”(没有任何影射因素)的定义不如我们刚推出2012款iPad mini和轻量级2013 iPad Air。 Apple现在提供两个iPad专业版(10.5英寸和12英寸屏幕)和一个2018 9.7英寸iPad(售价比小型7.9英寸屏幕iPad mini少70美元,可能因为它的存储空间较小,32GB与128GB相比较小设备)。排名前三的iPad型号现在支持该公司的铅笔,以及2018年iPad的罗技蜡笔。 (亲爱的Apple:为什么Crayon只能通过Apple Education频道获得?它看起来不错,与官方设备不同,它不会消失。) 澳大利亚国立大学Assignment代写:ARM Mac部件Deux:减少混乱 So far, so clear: Trucks will be used by a small but demanding segment of the population for uses that require heavier, larger bodies with specialized organs.If there is ever such a thing as a 2019 Mac Pro, its form factor and modularity are likely to survive the ARM transition. So will something like my large-screen iMac. The view isn’t quite so clear when we turn to the iPad. Apple’s “car” (no innuendo intended) is less sharply defined than when we just had the 2012 iPad mini and the light 2013 iPad Air. Apple now offers two iPad Pros (10.5” and 12” screens), and a 2018 9.7” iPad (that sells for $70 less than the smaller 7.9” screen iPad mini 4, perhaps because it has less storage, 32GB vs 128GB for the smaller device). The top three iPad models now support the company’s Pencil, plus the Logitech Crayon for the...
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澳大利亚麦考瑞大学Essay代写:伦理中的Empathy和 Sympathy

在道德背景下,“同理心”和“同情”之间的区别是充满活力和挑战性的。大卫·休谟和亚当·斯密的十八世纪文本使用了“同情”这个词,而不是“同理心”,尽管以同理心为标志的概念区别在他们的着作中做了必要的工作。在讨论了这些术语的早期用法之后,本文是历史性的。两种传统是有区别的。第一个是英美传统,它从休谟和史密斯延伸到迈克尔斯洛特二十一世纪的作品。斯蒂芬达尔沃尔的贡献适用于与休谟和史密斯合作。最后,在约翰罗尔斯和托马斯纳格尔的着作中探讨了同情,同情和利他的相互关系。第二个传统是大陆航空。它从约翰赫尔德的灵性延伸到埃德蒙胡塞尔,马丁海德格尔,马克斯舍勒和伊迪丝斯坦的现象学运动。对移情的有意分析与社会群体的构成直接相关,与“他者”有着广泛的规范关系。移情(Einfühlung)是一种特殊的(精神)行为,起源于胡塞尔的主体间性的上层结构,并在海德格尔,舍勒和斯坦因的影响下稳步迁移到社区的基础。选择哪些哲学家和思想家也取决于在当代关于同情,同情和道德的辩论中最有可能遇到的那些偶然事实。斯坦,胡塞尔和海德格尔主要是认识论,本体论和后神学,并且是任何当代的,正式的伦理理论参与的背景,这是本文的重点。舍勒将他对本质(wesenschau)的现象学直觉转向道德情感;他对交感神经形式多样性的分析是对这一主题的持久贡献。拉里·哈珀(Larry Hatab)和弗雷德里克·奥拉夫森(Frederick Olafson)等当代大陆思想家将海德格尔·米尔辛(Heideggerian Mitsein)和米特达辛(Mitdasein)(与世界其他人一起)作为道德的存在主义基础。弗里德里希·尼采,大屠杀和“其他”,尤其是埃马纽埃尔·列维纳斯的角色,是欧洲大陆伦理方法的标志。本文最后讨论了精神分析学科如何促成移情的作用。 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学Essay代写:伦理中的Empathy和 Sympathy The distinction between “empathy” and “sympathy” in the context of ethics is a dynamic and challenging one. The eighteenth century texts of David Hume and Adam Smith used the word "sympathy," but not "empathy," although the conceptual distinction marked by empathy was doing essential work in their writings. After discussing the early uses of these terms, this article is organized historically. Two traditions are distinguished. The first is the Anglo-American tradition, and it extends from Hume and Smith to the twenty-first century work of Michael Slote. Stephen Darwall’s contribution is applied in engaging Hume and Smith. Finally, the interrelation of empathy, sympathy and altruism is explored in the work of John Rawls and Thomas Nagel. The second tradition is the Continental one. It extends from the spirituality of Johann Herder to the phenomenological movement of Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Max Scheler, and Edith Stein. The intentional analysis of empathy is directly relevant to the constitution of...
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