1961年,西拉德出版了他自己的短篇小说集“海豚的声音”,其中他预测1985年原子武器扩散引发的道德和政治问题。标题指的是一组翻译海豚语言的俄罗斯和美国科学家发现他们的智力和智慧超过了人类。在另一个故事“我作为战争罪犯的审判”中,西拉德在失去了一场战争之后,在美国无条件向苏联投降之后,提出了一个揭示自己经常受到战争危害人类审判的幻想,虽然幻想着。苏联发动了一场毁灭性的细菌战计划。 Szilard19511013日在纽约市与Gertrud博士(TrudeWeiss结婚。这对夫妇没有已知的幸存儿童。在与Weiss博士结婚之前,Szilard20世纪20年代和30年代曾是柏林歌剧演唱家Gerda Philipsborn的未婚生活伴侣。在1960年被诊断患有膀胱癌后,Szilard在纽约Memorial Sloan-Kettering医院接受了放射治疗,采用了Szilard自己设计的钴60治疗方案。在1962年进行第二轮治疗后,Szilard被宣布为无癌症。 Szilard设计的钴疗法仍然用于治疗许多不能手术的癌症。


In 1961, Silard published his own collection of short stories “The Voice of Dolphins”, in which he predicted the moral and political problems caused by the proliferation of atomic weapons in 1985. The title refers to a group of Russian and American scientists who translated the dolphins language and found that their intelligence and wisdom surpassed humans. In another story, “I am a trial of war criminals,” after he lost a war, after the United States surrendered unconditionally to the Soviet Union, Silard proposed an illusion that reveals that he is often endangered by war. . The Soviet Union launched a devastating plan for germ warfare. Szilard married Weiss, Dr. Gertrud (Trude) in New York City on October 13, 1951. The couple have no known surviving children. Before joining Dr. Weiss, Szilard was an unmarried life partner of Berlin opera singer Gerda Philipsborn in the 1920s and 1930s. After being diagnosed with bladder cancer in 1960, Szilard received radiation therapy at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York, using Szilard’s own Cobalt 60 treatment. After a second round of treatment in 1962, Szilard was declared dead. Cobalt therapy by Szilard is still used to treat many inoperable cancers.


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