一个本地的例子最好地说明了这一点。我们当地的澳大利亚零售公司在二月份发布了一则广告,促销以庆祝农历新年为主题的产品。这表明,西方企业不仅承认中国文化,而且为了自身利益调整和利用中国文化。他们明白,与非本土主题相联系的想法会吸引当地人的兴趣,纯粹是出于人类的好奇心。最重要的是,在产品上给予优惠折扣,自然会增加销售量。还有更奢侈的例子,其中最重要的是全球知名的设计师公司,他们都在生产设计师红包。蒂凡尼(Tiffany & Co.)和华伦天奴(Valentino)等世界一流的时尚公司意识到这是一个展示他们对东方文化忠诚的机会,并进一步探索亚洲市场的可能性,生产设计豪华的红包。《风尚》杂志在2018年春节前夕发布了15个最佳设计师主题红包的汇编,这两家公司都进入了前5名,还有很多全球知名的欧洲公司也参加了评选。(Tie, 2018)这就保证了不仅是当地的企业在关注普通老百姓,每天赚取数十亿美元的大型奢侈品牌也在欣赏和整合中国新年的概念,并将其视为一个最佳的营销机会。上述证据清楚地说明了中国新年不仅得到了西方世界的认可,而且也融入了当地的常态。在现代,西方不仅意识到中国已成为一个值得广泛承认的全球强国,而且还意识到中国文化可能对世界运作方式造成的经济影响。尽管并非所有人都庆祝中国新年,但毫无疑问,中国新年在全球产生了连锁反应,尤其是由于当今世界对中国角色的依赖。月亮新年迟早会成为一个全球性的节日。

澳洲市场学作业代写 澳洲零售

A local example demonstrates this the best. Our local Australian retail company released an ad in February, promoting a sale in the theme of celebrating the Luna New Year. This indicates that western companies have already not only acknowledged the Chinese culture, but also adapted and utilised it to their own benefit. They understand that the idea of being associated with a non-domestic theme will attract the interest of the locals, out of pure human curiosity. On top that, throwing a sweet discount deal on the product, will naturally increase the sale numbers.There are more luxurious examples, and the most significant would be well-known designer companies around the globe being engaged in producing designer red packets. World class fashion companies like Tiffany & Co. and Valentino etc. recognised this opportunity to show their allegiance to the Eastern culture and to further explore possibilities in the Asian market, produced luxuriously designed red packets. Style Magazine released a compilation just before the 2018 Spring Festival, of the 15 best designer themed red packets, and both companies were featured in the top 5, with many other well-known European companies globally also taking part. (Tie, 2018) This assures that not only local businesses for the average civilian are noticing, the larger luxury brands that rake in billions daily, are appreciating and integrating the concept of the Chinese New Year and recognizes it as a prime marketing opportunity.The evidence presented above has clearly explained how the Chinese New Year has not only gained recognition from the western world, but it has also been integrated into a part of the local normality. In the modern era, not only do the west realise that China has become a global powerhouse nation, who deserves broad recognition, but also the economic effects that the Chinese culture can inflict on the world’s way of functioning. The Chinese New Year, although not being celebrated by all, has no doubt, generated a ripple effect on the globe especially due to the current reliance the modern world has on the role of China. Sooner or later, the Luna New Year may just become a universal holiday.


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