
澳洲论文代写 古希腊罗马神话

Ancient Greek and Roman myths and legends are the earliest literature in Europe. Form is the spiritual and cultural product handed down from primitive society to the present day. “God” and “Hero” and “Warrior” as the main people in legendary stories Image of objects. Compared with Oriental myths and legends, especially ancient Chinese myths and legends, Images of gods in Greek and Roman myths and legends Or the image of a hero, which focuses more on the expression of the attributes of “human nature”. In ancient Chinese myths and legends, the “divinity” is more prominent. That is to say, in the system of ancient Greek and Roman myths and legends, images of gods and heroes are more flesh-and-blood and more capable of showing human beings. Characteristics. In European and American movies, writers and directors often base themselves on ancient Roman mythology and legend, this remarkable artistic feature, through the God Description and characterization of story content and typical characters Activities to sharpen the current situation and existing problems of the real society. Reveal and deep reflection.The Arab mythological system is different from that of ancient Greece, Rome and Nordic Europe. Myth, its content is not too much fighting scenes, but more focused on the table. The wisdom of mankind and the karma of the world are mysterious. An artistic expression of Oriental civilization. In order to better display the mysterious artistic features of the Arab mythological system, film directors often choose bright colors to build strong exotic style. At the same time, there are many films in the process of narrating the content of the story. It’s mainly about the wit and courage of positive characters, such as Disney. The animated film “Aladdin” series, in contrast, have never really succeeded. Latin, with the help of the elves in the lamp, achieved its own happiness. In portraying Aladdin as a character, the director gave him an opening. The spirit in the magic lamp is also full of an affinity sense of humour. The dark and cunning nature of the upper body is quite the opposite. Arabic myths and legends with strong oriental mystery to human nature. The two sides are summarized and expressed in praise of human intelligence and wisdom.

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