虽然问题是使用碳(Avogadro数字所依据的元素)来解决的,但您可以使用相同的方法来求解任何原子或分子的质量。如果你找到不同元素的原子质量,只需使用该元素的原子质量。如果你想用这个关系来解决单个分子的质量问题,还有一个额外的步骤。您需要将该分子中所有原子的质量相加,然后使用它们。比方说,你想知道单个水原子的质量。从公式(H2O),您知道有两个氢原子和一个氧原子。您使用周期表来查找每个原子的质量(H为1.01,O为16.00)。形成水分子给你的质量:1.01 + 1.01 + 16.00 = 18.02克/摩尔水,你解决:1分子质量= 1摩尔分子质量/ 6.022×1023质量1水分子= 18.02克每摩尔/ 6.022×1023分子/摩尔质量的1水分子= 2.992×10-23克


Although the problem was worked using carbon (the element upon which Avogadro’s number is based), you can use the same method to solve for the mass of any atom or molecule. If you’re finding the mass of an atom of a different element, just use that element’s atomic mass. If you want to use the relation to solve for the mass of a single molecule, there’s an extra step. You need to add up the masses of all of the atoms in that one molecule and use them instead. Let’s say, for example, you want to know the mass of a single atom of water. From the formula (H2O), you know there are two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. You use the periodic table to look up the mass of each atom (H is 1.01 and O is 16.00). Forming a water molecule gives you a mass of:1.01 + 1.01 + 16.00 = 18.02 grams per mole of water and you solve with: mass of 1 molecule = mass of one mole of molecules / 6.022 x 1023 mass of 1 water molecule = 18.02 grams per mole / 6.022 x 1023 molecules per mole mass of 1 water molecule = 2.992 x 10-23 grams


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