ava在自Java 1.2或2007以来的Java Standard Edition中将Swing(一种用于创建GUI的API)包括在内。它采用模块化架构设计,因此元素可以轻松即插即用并可自定义。在创建GUI时,它一直是Java开发人员的首选API。 JavaFX也已经有很长一段时间了 – 在当前所有者Oracle之前拥有Java的Sun Microsystems公司在2008年发布了第一个版本,但在Oracle从Sun购买Java之前,它并没有真正引起人们的注意。 Oracle的意图是最终用JavaFX取代Swing。 2014年发布的Java 8是第一个将JavaFX包含在核心发行版中的发行版。如果您不熟悉Java,那么您应该学习JavaFX而不是Swing,尽管您可能需要了解Swing,因为有很多应用程序将其合并,因此许多开发人员仍在积极使用它。 JavaFX具有完全不同的一组图形组件以及一个新术语,并且具有许多与Web编程接口的功能,例如支持层叠样式表(CSS),用于在FX应用程序中嵌入网页的Web组件,以及用于播放网络多媒体内容的功能。

澳洲迪肯大学计算机Essay代写:Java GUI框架:Swing和JavaFX

Java has included Swing, an API for creating GUIs, in its Java Standard Edition since Java 1.2, or 2007. It’s designed with a modular architecture so that elements are easily plug-and-play and can be customized. It has long been the API of choice for Java developers when creating GUIs. JavaFX has also been around a long time — Sun Microsystems, which owned Java before the current owner Oracle, released the first version in 2008, but it didn’t really gain traction until Oracle purchased Java from Sun. Oracle’s intention is to eventually replace Swing with JavaFX. Java 8, released in 2014, was the first release to include JavaFX in the core distribution. If you are new to Java, you should learn JavaFX rather than Swing, although you may need to understand Swing because so many applications incorporate it, and so many developers are still actively using it. JavaFX features an entirely different set of graphic components as well as a new terminology and has many features that interface with web programming, such as support for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), a web component for embedding a web page inside an FX application, and the functionality to play web multimedia content.


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