斯科特凯利于1992年与他的第一任妻子莱斯利·延德尔结婚,他们有两个女儿,萨曼莎和夏洛特。这对夫妇于2009年离婚。凯利于2018年与他的第二任妻子Amiko Kauderer结婚。斯科特凯利于2016年从美国国家航空航天局退休,并从那时起一直在联合国外层空间事务办公室工作。他在太空的时间回忆录于2017年出版,他花时间公开谈论太空和太空旅行。 “我一直在乡下和全世界都在谈论我在太空中的经历,”他写道。 “看到人们对我的使命有多好奇,有多少孩子本能地感受到太空飞行的兴奋和奇迹,以及有多少人像我一样认为火星是下一步,这是令人欣慰的。”斯科特凯利因其工作获得了许多奖章和认可,其中包括优秀军团,海军和海军陆战队表彰奖章,美国宇航局杰出服务奖章以及俄罗斯联邦太空探索奖章。他是太空探索者协会的成员,并且是2015年时代杂志的影响力100。


Scott Kelly married his first wife, Leslie Yandel, in 1992. They have two daughters, Samantha and Charlotte. The couple divorced in 2009. Kelly married his second wife, Amiko Kauderer, in 2018. Scott Kelly retired from NASA in 2016 and has been working at the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs since then. His time memoirs in space were published in 2017, and he spent time talking openly about space and space travel. “I have been talking about my experience in space in the country and the world,” he wrote. “Seeing how curious people are about my mission, how many children instinctively feel the excitement and miracles of space flight, and how many people like me think Mars is the next step, which is gratifying.” Scott Kelly He has received numerous medals and recognition for his work, including the Outstanding Legion, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, and the Russian Federal Space Exploration Medal. He is a member of the Space Explorers Association and is the influential 100 of Time Magazine in 2015.


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