许多人认为美国人口普查局的问题既费时又过于侵入,无法回答。 但是联邦法律要求对所有人口普查问卷进行答复。 虽然这种情况很少发生,但人口普查局可因未能回答人口普查或美国社区调查或故意提供虚假信息而处以罚款。 根据美国法典第13标题第221节(人口普查,拒绝或忽略回答问题;错误回答)的规定,未通过或拒绝回答回邮普查表或拒绝回答后续措施的人员 普查员,可能会被处以最高100美元的罚款。 故意向普查提供虚假信息的人将被处以最高500美元的罚款。

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Many people think the U.S. Census Bureau’s questions are time-consuming and overly invasive to answer. However, federal law requires responses to all census questionnaires. Although this rarely happens, the Census Bureau can impose fines for failing to answer a census or a U.S. community survey or for intentionally providing false information. U.S. enumerators who fail to pass or refuse to respond to a return census form or refuse to respond to follow-up actions may be punished by a maximum of 100 in accordance with Title 13 Section 221 (Census, Refusal or Ignore Answers; Wrong Answers) Dollar fine. Those who knowingly provide false information to the census will be fined up to $ 500.



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