是!罗马教廷维持国际关系; “罗马教廷”一词指的是教皇及其顾问指挥全球罗马天主教会的权力,管辖权和主权的组合。梵蒂冈城建于1929年,为罗马教廷提供领土特征,是国际法公认的国家领土。罗马教廷与174个国家保持着正式的外交关系,其中68个国家拥有罗马教廷认可的常驻驻地外交使团。大多数大使馆都在梵蒂冈城之外,而且是罗马。其他国家的任务位于意大利境外,具有双重认证。罗马教廷为全世界的民族国家维持着106次常驻外交使团。梵蒂冈城/罗马教廷不是联合国会员国。他们是观察者。因此,梵蒂冈城确实符合所有八个独立国家地位标准,因此我们应该将其视为一个独立国家。


Yes! The Holy See maintains international relations; the term “Holy See” refers to the combination of power, jurisdiction and sovereignty of the Pope and his advisers in directing the global Roman Catholic Church. Built in 1929, the Vatican City provides territorial features to the Holy See and is a recognized national territory of international law. The Holy See maintains formal diplomatic relations with 174 countries, 68 of which have permanent diplomatic missions accredited by the Holy See. Most embassies are outside the Vatican City and are Rome. The missions of other countries are located outside of Italy and have dual certification. The Holy See maintains 106 permanent diplomatic missions for the nation-states of the world. The Vatican City/Holy See is not a member of the United Nations. They are observers. Therefore, the Vatican City does meet all eight independent national status standards, so we should treat it as an independent country.



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